My Creative Flow Challange Star this Commitment
Week 52 of 52

SuperP commits to:
no alcohol, no weed, TV 6 hours per week, meditate every morning, dance every day, learn photoshop.
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My Commitment Journal
August 8, 2014, 2:12 PM
Great week. Accomplished a lot. Had some fun, got a new job! Still at 150 but haven't gained any. Overall not bad.
July 30, 2014, 5:21 PM
I think I've set the bar really high for myself. And maybe need to readjust. I did work edit (creative) for almost a whole weekend so with that I was successful. However, I had a little too much to drink on Sunday and smoked a couple of times too. I was a nice reward for working so hard, however it's not a very motivating reward. This week I am going to focus on getting in shape again and finishing this movie I'm editing. Last week was just rough in general but I can't justify a success even though I did a lot. This week will be better! I have lost 5 pounds and want to focus on that a little more.
July 17, 2014, 1:47 PM
Even though I watched WAY too much tv this week, losing count on how many hours, I'm counting this week as a success. Why? Because I fount the Wii Fit game and balance bored at good will for under $20. Have used it everyday since, put myself on a calorie counting regiment and have been super productive in editing Autumn's movie. And I fought off the very strong urge to smoke some weed and have a drink last night. I'm exhausted this week, but the good kind. The kind that reminds you you've been working hard. So, with a week that started out very rough, I've turned it around to be a stellar success. And I am proud of that.
July 11, 2014, 5:20 PM
this weeks is really hard. I've already watched too much TV for the week AND I really really want a drink. I haven't had any, but it's itching at me. so is smoking some weed. stay strong.
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Displaying 1-4 of 52 results.
June 24 to July 1
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June 17 to June 24
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June 10 to June 17
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June 3 to June 10
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