Behavior Commitment Star this Commitment

sharasoutherland commits to:
working out in preparation for the Tough Mudder 4x a week. 2 days a week will be functional training and 2 days a week will be running/yoga. On the nights I complete my workout, I will reinforce myself with 2 episodes of my favorite show. When I meet my goal for the week, I will reinforce myself with a movie on my list. If I do not complete my daily goal, no shows will be allowed and instead I will spend my time cleaning my room and working ahead on assignments.
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My Commitment Journal
March 27, 2015, 7:03 PM
This week I have been able to work out 3x. I was able to run today and have two days of strength and functional training. I am meeting up with a workout partner on Saturday to do another day of functional training as well as a short run inside. We attempted doing monkey bars at the gym and my forearms have been sore all week! This made me realize that I need to do more specific exercises to strengthen my forearms for grip.
March 23, 2015, 1:00 AM
This week I have been a little sick so it has been hard to maintain my behavior commitment. I was able to work our 3 days this week instead of my usual 4 days. I took it easy over the weekend so I am looking forward to starting fresh the beginning of this week.
March 10, 2015, 7:06 PM
I have been able to be consistent with my workout routine. To make sure I complete this behavior commitment, I have started to work out with a friend. This guarantees that I will work out at least 2 days a week. The other two days I am on my own in running. I also trained an additional day last week because a class was being offered.
February 24, 2015, 4:23 PM
This week I was able to meet my goals of working out, but I did not do it over 4 days. I was fighting sickness last week so I was unable to run until Wednesday. I completed functional training on Thursday and this morning. After my functional training this morning I was able to run a mile before work.
I am going to stick with this plan as I am still fighting a cold. The amount of time I am doing the functional training is 1 hour two times a week. I may increase my running time so that I am able to be more consistent.
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Displaying 1-1 of 1 result.
February 17 to May 9
Not Successful
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