Daily Writing Star this Commitment
Week 8 of 8

sjlanus commits to:
I commit to writing AT LEAST 1 page worth of script per day for 5 days a week. If I miss a day, I have to make it up the next day. If I write more than a page, it doesn't count for future days.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
October 4, 2017, 10:43 PM
Jammed in another 13-14 pages this week. Last week kept to the morning routine all week which was nice. This week - not so much. But that's alright. As long as I'm hitting my output goals, which I am.

Also, I did some more dedicated plotting and mapping of the structure from this point to the end since I'm certainly getting close to the end, but still feel like I've got a long way to go. Based on some preliminary predictions of the scenes that I still need to write - I'd say I've got another 40 pages or so to go before I get to the end. Which sounds like a lot - since I'm already up to Page 119 or so. But that'll probably be perfect for cutting this first draft down to 100-120 pages for the second draft. Just gotta keep plugging away. If I'm aggressive, I can certainly get to the end before November.

Also, will start a new weekly commitment later tonight or tomorrow since this was the final week of this 8-week trial. Maybe I'll wait until next Tuesday since I like the Tuesday report due-dates.
September 27, 2017, 5:48 PM
Another week successfully completed. I think I counted an extra day last week in my weekly count of 19 pages. So last week was actually only 15 pages. However, adding those 4 pages from last Wednesday to this week brings my total for this week up to 19 pages and gets me firmly into the 100's. At this rate, I expect to be complete BEFORE the end of October. Hopefully right around mid-October.

Another positive development is that for the past three days (this work week), I've gotten back into my morning writing routine. While I don't particularly enjoy getting up that early, it provides a nice start to my day usually. So I will try to continue that as long as I can.

Technically, this is the last week of my commitment because I initially set it at 8 weeks total. That was a totally arbitrary choice, and what I will do at the end of the next reporting period is create a new commitment or extend this current one for another 8-12 weeks. That should cover the remainder of this screenplay, and force me to immediately get started on the next one.

Anyway, thank you for the support and encouragement and accountability. Getting very close to the end of this one and looking forward to keeping up the momentum through the end of the year!
September 27, 2017, 11:08 AM
Amazing job! You are killing it. Always great to be flexible and still strive for the goal. You are smashing your goal. Keep up the great work and we’ll see if we get into that routine this week.
September 21, 2017, 2:30 AM
While this week has felt less "successful" than prior weeks, I still somehow managed to write 19 pages. I spent both weekend days writing this week catching up on past days that I had missed. However, because I had more time during the day (as opposed to right before work), I wrote 5+ pages each of those times. I'm still not back into my morning routine, but hope to get back to it by next week. In the meantime, I'm fine with my less routine-oriented writing schedule as long as I'm hitting my page quotas and getting closer to the end. However, I'd like to get back to the morning routine at some point.

This week has also been a little harder because I'm solidly into the 2nd half of the 2nd act, and am having a bit of trouble knowing where to go. So, it's been helpful to take longer breaks between writing sessions in order to think through where the story is headed and how to get there.

In the next few days, I should break through the 100 page mark, which will be a nice little reward in and of itself, and hopefully will provide further momentum to get to the end.

Thanks for your help and encouragement! Almost there!
    This Commitment has no photos.
Displaying 1-4 of 8 results.
September 27 to October 4

- Referee approval report
- Committed user success report
Jammed in another 13-14 pages this week. Last week kept to the morning routine all week which was nice. This week - not so much. But that's alright. As long as I'm hitting my output goals, which I am. Also, I did some more dedicated plotting and mapping of the structure from this point to the end since I'm certainly getting close to the end, but still feel like I've got a long way to go. Based on some preliminary predictions of the scenes that I still need to write - I'd say I've got another 40 pages or so to go before I get to the end. Which sounds like a lot - since I'm already up to Page 119 or so. But that'll probably be perfect for cutting this first draft down to 100-120 pages for the second draft. Just gotta keep plugging away. If I'm aggressive, I can certainly get to the end before November. Also, will start a new weekly commitment later tonight or tomorrow since this was the final week of this 8-week trial. Maybe I'll wait until next Tuesday since I like the Tuesday report due-dates.
September 20 to September 27

- Referee approval report
- Committed user success report
Another week successfully completed. I think I counted an extra day last week in my weekly count of 19 pages. So last week was actually only 15 pages. However, adding those 4 pages from last Wednesday to this week brings my total for this week up to 19 pages and gets me firmly into the 100's. At this rate, I expect to be complete BEFORE the end of October. Hopefully right around mid-October. Another positive development is that for the past three days (this work week), I've gotten back into my morning writing routine. While I don't particularly enjoy getting up that early, it provides a nice start to my day usually. So I will try to continue that as long as I can. Technically, this is the last week of my commitment because I initially set it at 8 weeks total. That was a totally arbitrary choice, and what I will do at the end of the next reporting period is create a new commitment or extend this current one for another 8-12 weeks. That should cover the remainder of this screenplay, and force me to immediately get started on the next one. Anyway, thank you for the support and encouragement and accountability. Getting very close to the end of this one and looking forward to keeping up the momentum through the end of the year!
September 13 to September 20

- Referee approval report
- Committed user success report
While this week has felt less "successful" than prior weeks, I still somehow managed to write 19 pages. I spent both weekend days writing this week catching up on past days that I had missed. However, because I had more time during the day (as opposed to right before work), I wrote 5+ pages each of those times. I'm still not back into my morning routine, but hope to get back to it by next week. In the meantime, I'm fine with my less routine-oriented writing schedule as long as I'm hitting my page quotas and getting closer to the end. However, I'd like to get back to the morning routine at some point. This week has also been a little harder because I'm solidly into the 2nd half of the 2nd act, and am having a bit of trouble knowing where to go. So, it's been helpful to take longer breaks between writing sessions in order to think through where the story is headed and how to get there. In the next few days, I should break through the 100 page mark, which will be a nice little reward in and of itself, and hopefully will provide further momentum to get to the end. Thanks for your help and encouragement! Almost there!
September 6 to September 13

- Referee approval report
- Committed user success report
Another successful week. Although, this one was a bit more chaotic and less structured in terms of my daily morning habit, but ultimately I still stuck to my goal and wrote another 16 pages since Wednesday of last week. I'm pretty sure that I'm over halfway done (with the whole thing) though, so that feels good. Momentum is a little harder to come by because I honestly don't know where the story is going now, so I have to think about it more when I sit down to write - but usually something comes out of it. A lot of it is garbage that probably will get tossed by the 2nd draft, but there are some bits and pieces that I'm happy with. Sunday's race scene felt good, and will probably make it to the final draft - albeit with lots of changes and improvements. Gotta keep plugging away at it for another month, and I think I'll hit the end. Tomorrow, I hope to get back into my morning routine. Thanks for the words of encouragement and for staying engaged! It really helps.
Recipient of Stakes
Money to a friend ($50.00 to melanus per failed reporting period)
To change the Recipient of Stakes for your Daily Writing Commitment, enter their email address or stickK username below.
Total at stake: $400.00
Stakes per period: $50.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $0.00
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