Finish Barstool Script Star this Commitment
Week 3 of 3

sjlanus commits to:
Complete the screenplay in 3 weeks. For the first week, write another 25 pages. Second week, write another 25 pages. Third week, have a polished, edited, cut copy ready to send to readers.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
September 7, 2018, 6:51 AM

Might do some polishing over the weekend. But, the story is done. If I had to send it in now, I could. It's 2am on a Thursday. The past three days were tough since I went on vacay. But I needed to finish. And I'm done now. Time to get fucked up.

Thank you for all your help and can't wait to hang when you get back. Hope you're having a fucking blast!
September 1, 2018, 2:12 AM
Alright, almost there. Completed the goal this week in the sense that I did not need to write 25 "new" pages, but am on track to FINALLY complete this script once and for all by the deadline of next week. At this point, I'm basically on a third draft in some ways, but the proof will be in the final submission next week - at which point, not only will I be done, but I will also be sending it to its intended audience - Barstool Sports.

In Mexico now, so apologies for the slow communication but keeping you in my thoughts Danny boy. You're scaring us with your health stuff, but I can relate since I was kinda in your shoes a few months ago with the unexplained illness and trip to the ER. I can't imagine how shitty you must feel, but hope you can at least feel the love I'm sending you from down south.

Please take care of yourself as you get ready for your big trip, and even more so once you're in Europe. And as always, DO NOT EVER hesitate to call or contact me for whatever reason if you need something. Always here for you brother. Love you, and can't wait til you're healthy and ready to spend some quality time together.
August 23, 2018, 2:54 PM
Yeehaw. Another week of solid progress. Yesterday, had a great day of writing, and feel like I'm getting really close to figuring this thing out. It almost feels like a giant jigsaw puzzle and I've finally gotten to a point where I can see how the whole thing fits together, and am almost there. I think that I can finish the writing portion of it by next week before you and I both leave the country, and then I can focus the following/last week on rearranging the pieces to make sure everything is where it should be, and making any final adjustments before calling it complete.

As I get closer to finishing this, I get more excited - partially to be done with it and move on to another project, but also because I'm pretty proud of how it has come together, quality-wise. And you've been a HUGE part in making that happen, Daniel. So thank you for staying on top of this, and helping me achieve these goals. Really appreciate you keeping me accountable.

For the final week, I assume you'll be out of the country - in Croatia/Italy, so PLEASE DO NOT attempt to think about this or spend one iota of your vacation time on it. I will be fine for the final week, and when you come back, I will hand-deliver a final copy (and maybe a special gift...) to you to prove I'm not messing around.

Hope we can chat before you leave the country! Love you!
    This Commitment has no photos.
Displaying 1-3 of 3 results.
August 29 to September 5

- Referee approval report
- Committed user success report
DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE. Might do some polishing over the weekend. But, the story is done. If I had to send it in now, I could. It's 2am on a Thursday. The past three days were tough since I went on vacay. But I needed to finish. And I'm done now. Time to get fucked up. Thank you for all your help and can't wait to hang when you get back. Hope you're having a fucking blast!
August 22 to August 29

- Referee approval report
- Committed user success report
Alright, almost there. Completed the goal this week in the sense that I did not need to write 25 "new" pages, but am on track to FINALLY complete this script once and for all by the deadline of next week. At this point, I'm basically on a third draft in some ways, but the proof will be in the final submission next week - at which point, not only will I be done, but I will also be sending it to its intended audience - Barstool Sports. In Mexico now, so apologies for the slow communication but keeping you in my thoughts Danny boy. You're scaring us with your health stuff, but I can relate since I was kinda in your shoes a few months ago with the unexplained illness and trip to the ER. I can't imagine how shitty you must feel, but hope you can at least feel the love I'm sending you from down south. Please take care of yourself as you get ready for your big trip, and even more so once you're in Europe. And as always, DO NOT EVER hesitate to call or contact me for whatever reason if you need something. Always here for you brother. Love you, and can't wait til you're healthy and ready to spend some quality time together.
August 15 to August 22

- Referee approval report
- Committed user success report
Yeehaw. Another week of solid progress. Yesterday, had a great day of writing, and feel like I'm getting really close to figuring this thing out. It almost feels like a giant jigsaw puzzle and I've finally gotten to a point where I can see how the whole thing fits together, and am almost there. I think that I can finish the writing portion of it by next week before you and I both leave the country, and then I can focus the following/last week on rearranging the pieces to make sure everything is where it should be, and making any final adjustments before calling it complete. As I get closer to finishing this, I get more excited - partially to be done with it and move on to another project, but also because I'm pretty proud of how it has come together, quality-wise. And you've been a HUGE part in making that happen, Daniel. So thank you for staying on top of this, and helping me achieve these goals. Really appreciate you keeping me accountable. For the final week, I assume you'll be out of the country - in Croatia/Italy, so PLEASE DO NOT attempt to think about this or spend one iota of your vacation time on it. I will be fine for the final week, and when you come back, I will hand-deliver a final copy (and maybe a special gift...) to you to prove I'm not messing around. Hope we can chat before you leave the country! Love you!
Recipient of Stakes
Money to a friend ($200.00 to melanus per failed reporting period)
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Total at stake: $600.00
Stakes per period: $200.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $0.00
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