No coffee or weed and limit alcohol... Star this Commitment
Week 52 of 52

davie08 commits to:
Stop drinking caffeinated coffee and smoking weed altogether. Can only drink alcohol with friends or family. Can’t have more than 3 drinks.
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My Commitment Journal
October 14, 2018, 4:42 PM
Thanks! I’m going to a leisure centre often to workout, go in the sauna and hanging out in the library being productive. It’s helping my mind to be in a place where I can get some positive endorphins going through my brain while being productive. I also learned a lot about coffee and how when you’re addicted to it its not providing anything beneficial for productivity. I find that it makes me more tired once I’m off the buzz than without it. I also get more anxiety with coffee. I realize that there are some health benefits to coffee but it’s not worth the trade offs for me. I can get antioxidants and other healthy nutrients through food :).

My girlfriend is also in with me on the leisure centre thing and not wanting to lay around all day so that helps a lot.

The coffee one was the hardest for me but just adding in these activities and focusing on getting good amounts of sleep and eating right does help with energy to the point that a coffee isn’t necessary for waking me up in the morning. Drinking lots of water is also important.
October 14, 2018, 12:53 PM
Wow, 4 weeks! Amazing.
How do you feel?
What did you do differently when you had the urge?
September 16, 2018, 5:02 PM
Just started this no coffee and weed and limiting alcohol use. I have tapered off coffee so the withdrawal shouldn’t be too awful :)
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September 8 to September 15
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Total at stake: $780.00
Stakes per period: $15.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
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