Water Consumption Star this Commitment
Week 5 of 5

pmshifteh7 commits to:
consuming 64 oz of water per day for 5 weeks.
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My Commitment Journal
February 11, 2019, 10:38 AM
I finished week 4 very strong! I drank more than 64oz of water everyday. I was very motivated to reach 20 stars so I could get my spa day. Not only did I reach the 20 stars, but I actually hit 28 stars by the end of this. I made sure to never miss a day when drinking water, because I was nervous if I missed one day, I could miss more, and it would lead to a bad routine. So by making sure I drank 64 oz or more water per day, it helped me feel more secure with not missing a chance of getting the needed stars for the week. My reinforcers were perfectly chosen, because they really motivated me to push myself to reach my goals so I could get my reinforcements. Having my boyfriend David be my referee was very helpful, as he constantly would remind me to keep drinking and to reach my goals. Having that support system is so important, because not only is it great to have someone to remind you and push you, but it's also great to have that someone you don't want to let down and to work hard for. I loved being able to share my reinforcers with David, it made this even more rewarding!
February 6, 2019, 2:22 AM
My water consumption for week 3 was another success! I have such great reinforcers that have been motivating me throughout this whole journey. On the evening of I recieved my 15th golf star, we went out for cheese cake at the cheese cake factory! It was so delicious, and felt well deserved since I have not been having any sweets. Now for my 20th gold star, I am rewarded with a spa day with my boyfriend David! This is the big reinforcer I’ve been pushing towards. I have been doing a great job staying on top of consuming at least 64 oz of water per day. Some days I’ll meed reminders from my boyfriend, but other than that it’s been going very well!
January 27, 2019, 2:35 PM
My water consumption went very well for week 2! Not only did I consume 64 oz of water for 5 days in a row, I drank at least 64 oz of water every day this week! On the evening when I received my 10th gold star, I was rewarded with a chocolate cupcake. I haven't been having sweets for awhile now, so that chocolate cupcake was very rewarding, and has only pushed me to continue to hit my goals. I believe I chose very rewarding, and high reinforcements, as for they have been really motivating me to stay on top of drinking at least 64 oz of water per day. I am really looking forward to when I receive my 15th gold star. On that evening of receiving the 15th gold star, I am rewarded with going to the cheese cake factory with my boyfriend David, and I know how badly he's been wanting to go there. I don't want to let him down. David has been such a great supporter. He always reminds me to keep drinking water and to keep working towards my reinforcements. It's been going very well, and having his support has been very helpful as well!
January 21, 2019, 9:23 AM
My water consumption has been going very well! Looking on my tracking app, I can see that the first week of tracking my water consumption went well, and I consumed at least 64 oz of water per day, with some days at 72 oz. It's not that I don't enjoy drinking water, it's just that sometimes it can be very hard to remember to stay hydrated throughout the day. I'm busy throughout the day, and sometimes I will forget to drink or also forget my water bottle when I'm out. However, having my reinforcement of going to the spa with my boyfriend is really motivating and pushing me to continue to hit my goal of consuming at least 64 oz of water per day!
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February 13 to February 20
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February 6 to February 13
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January 30 to February 6
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January 23 to January 30
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