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November 26, 2020, 1:26 AM
Enrichment Mindset

In my opinion, I feel like students pick up on your body language and facial expressions. You may not speak a comment out loud where they can hear you, but they can tell if it is a positive thought by body language and facial expressions. This could affect the students by thinking you do not care for them or that you simply do not like them. They may feel like you are judging their appearance or them in general, especially a student who suffers from poverty. It should not matter how a student is dressed or not they are in your class and you are supposed to welcome them in with open arms and make it known that you are there for them and that you care about them. Students learn in different ways; some students may feel ashamed because they do not learn the same ways as their friends. They may feel ashamed to speak up about what ways they learn best.

It is impossible to know what students are thinking while they are in class. They could be thinking about what their afternoon will be like once they get home after school, especially the students who live difficult lives. The cognitive load is the number of thoughts a person has loaded in their brain at any given time. (131) For students who live difficult lives, it is harder for them to focus on their homework when they have other priorities to be thinking about. Homework is the least of their worries. Students who carry a heavy cognitive load, aren’t as capable of achieving academic success. I like the idea in chapter 13, Chunk Material. Severe stress affects the working memory and working memory is the skill of holding things in your mind. When teachers cover a subject fast, students can get overwhelmed and even more stressed because they feel like they are not capable of learning all of the information. It would be a good idea to downsize the lectures into smaller pieces so they can focus more and retain the information being taught. Being a social studies teacher, it will be important to teach my students that analyzing is a big part of what history is. Being a historian, it is important to seek out information to solve a problem. I liked reading this section because that goes perfectly with Project Base Learning. In my pedagogy and assessment class, we created our own PBL and I loved it. It is a great way to teach students how to research and find the solution themself. In the Enhance Study Skills and Vocabulary section, I had major flashbacks to being in middle school and studying for stems. I found stems to be very effective and I still use them to this day to help with “ten dollar” words. They also help enhance vocabulary. Going into college, I did not know how to study. It is important to find out the best way to study, for yourself, so showing students different ways to provide study aids can be beneficial to them. I have learned that note-taking works best for me, when I write something down myself, I retain the information more.

There are a lot of strategies in this section that I would like to implement in my classroom one day. A strategy that I would like to implement in my future classroom is visual organizers. I like them because some students learn best that way and can remember what it looks like without having to look at it again and I find that so cool. Visual organizers are also a good way to perform a formative assessment, like a Venn diagram or a KWL chart to see that know. This would be a good activity to see how much information retained at the end of a lesson and give them ten minutes to write it all down. There are tons of visual organizers on the internet for educators to use. Throughout this book, I have found it to be true that it is not about the teacher in the classroom and how they want to do it, but the students. To be an amazing educator and the teacher that you want to be, it is important to put your students’ needs before yours and do what will benefit the majority of them.
November 24, 2020, 3:16 AM
I went to submit the last one, but it did not give me an option to.
November 16, 2020, 2:22 AM
Positivity Mindset

Well since I do not have my own classroom yet and I teach little ones, it was difficult to answer the questions from a teaching perspective. So, I just answered how I would if I were and facing the situation right now. In my opinion, I do believe that poverty affects education. I believe this because a student could go straight to work after school to help their family pay bills. Some may even have to go home and care for their siblings. This would lead to them doing the minimum to pass because they simply do not have time if they are caring for their family. I have met several people in college who work two jobs and go to school full time just to pay for college and to live. If a student feels constantly negative I would like to set a time aside, when it is just us in the classroom and let them talk if they want about why they are feeling this way. I will try my best to help them, if it is an extension or extra help, I will be available. I would also encourage them to go and talk to a counselor at the school about it. I would reassure them constantly and just look out for them.

The past couple of weeks, negativity has been weighing me down. I typically try to find positivity in every situation, but somehow situations just kept popping up one after another with no positivity insight. It is honestly frustrating, so reading this, this week, really helped my mental state. It was encouraging to be able to look back over the past week and a half and see the positive things that did happen, but I did not think about it because I was dwelling on the negative. I like the idea of the word nutrients. It was nice, especially for me to look back and write about the good things that happened. We tend to only dwell on the bad things in life so it’s nice at least once a week to sit and reflect on the previous week- to see that life is not all negative. The other good ideas in this chapter were displaying daily progress. I know as a student, I enjoyed seeing my progress and it made me want to do better and to keep up the good work when I physically saw my progress and the power minute. At least once a week as the students one good thing they did this week. In the preschool I always talk about, the Pre-K and Junior Kindergarten classes have kindness links hanging on their wall. So, every time a student does something kind, they get to add a kindness link to the chain. They also have this thing called the “bucket dipper” they are either filling their classmates' buckets with negativity or positivity and they are not afraid to call them out for either. This reminded me of the section in chapter 8 titled Acts of Kindness. While it is a bit childish to implement a kindness chain in a middle school/high school classroom, I believe it is just as important to remind them of kindness. We recently celebrated World Kindness Day on November 13, but I believe that every day should be kindness day.

As an educator, I believe it is important to see encourage and support dreams. A nice step to seeing more into a student’s life and helping them find their passion and voice is asking them about their dreams and what they see themselves doing in the future. In my future classroom during the first few weeks of school, I would like to implement an activity/project where my kids see themselves in the future and display them in the classroom so their peers can see it. This would encourage everyone to want to encourage their peers to achieve their goals and dreams. It would benefit my students not to be dream killers. It would be ideal for them to write a paper about their future and I hang up their career goal on the wall or something like that. My students will not be dream killers, nor dissing a student about their dream. I have full confidence that my students can be anything they set their minds to!
November 10, 2020, 4:09 PM
I really like the picture you paint of what you want good teaching and learning to look like in your classroom. Modeling how to work through struggles is so powerful. I agree with you on the importance of connecting on a persona level with students. I believe that nothing is more important.
This is great. Only thing missing is this part:
"Discuss the results, including any new insights about or confirmation of what you already knew about your mindset in the area for the week."
Please let me know if I'm overlooking it or misreading it.
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November 15 to November 22
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