The routine of the work week and the pressure of our job responsibilities can often get the best of us. However, whether it's putting more effort into your job, or finding one that makes you truly happy, its time to commit to your career.
"- Reflect in the way in which I introduce Harsanyi's framework by saying before the actual presentation that there were two key difficulties. ✅ 2025-01-17"
"Good week. Accomplished: began LI email growing your list campaign; good working draft of new a la cart page; worked through changes to my email form; scheduled lunch with Derek E. TOTAL: 5.59 hours"
"I have put in the time. I have decided about (1) zoned areas (2) made a first stab at deciding what to do about paved roads (3) looked at data regarding zoned areas and paved roads (4) chatted with Andrei about statistical issues (5) had my coaching session with Kathleen."
"Hello my name is Shenny from USA New York, I want to testify to the general public how my relationship was restored back by the great power’s of Dr Peter after three months of loneliness, my Ex-lover called me after my contact with Dr Peter that he want us to come back and start a good home, now we are happily together again as lovers. All thanks to Dr Peter who did a love spell for me for my Ex lover to return home. I will keep sharing this until people who also need help see this for his wonderful help. You can contact him via email [email protected]
CALL NUMBER/WHATSAPP: +1 (646) 494-4360"
"Hello my name is Shenny from USA New York, I want to testify to the general public how my relationship was restored back by the great power’s of Dr Peter after three months of loneliness, my Ex-lover called me after my contact with Dr Peter that he want us to come back and start a good home, now we are happily together again as lovers. All thanks to Dr Peter who did a love spell for me for my Ex lover to return home. I will keep sharing this until people who also need help see this for his wonderful help. You can contact him via email [email protected]
CALL NUMBER/WHATSAPP: +1 (646) 494-4360"
"I scrolled through too much Reddit. But I was within limits on YouTube. No racy stuff either and I kept my phone away. Need to keep cutting on Reddit."
"Y asi se acaba un semestree!!!
Algo no sirve, nos adaptamos pivoteamos y creamos mas eventos para seguir siendo relevantes!
Fue el domingo el torneo de basketball. todo un exito aunque acabaron muertos los muchachos, salieron todos riendose y senti que fue mas chill y hubo una coneccion mas personal que lo tenso que me pongo cuando es el torneo.
Fue mas pick up pero logre hablar con ellos y explicarles que Tazuz esta aca para ellos!
Planieando toda la semana el primer torneo de golda Meir!
Cosas que suenan como un sueno y una vision, hasta que las publicamos en las redes de Tazuz , la gente se registra y se vuelve realidad.!
Ya tenemos toda la logistica, hay muchas organizaciones involucradas, , transporte, sponsors, y tenemos que estar a la altura de todo para que las mismas actividades traigan mas gente.
De este torneo tenemos 56 % de las personas que son nuevas!
Pero es una oportunidad para venderles el sueno, los cursos y la idea que nosotros somos el club para cuando quieran hacer deporte y ser parte.
Tambien promocionamos buceo!
Ya no es un paseo de viaje en bicicleta, es una semana de vacaiones con aacomodation, y un servicio PRO.
Vamos a seguir inovando, y avanzando!
Tuve ahi mis discusiones con nicolais, sobre el mercado B2B de empresas porque casi cerramos una actividad para david, y no se pudo. pero tiene razon en la parte que tenemos que INTERIORIZAR HACER RESEARCH Y empezar a pensar como podemos entrar a ese dam mercado.
Teniendo meetings con Rafi el de Tennis TLV, y entiendiendo que mi trabajo se baja en las relaciones personals. en hacer parte a la gente del sueno porque los suenos son contagiosos.
Sabiendo tambien diferenciar entre un sapak y un cliente, y una colaboracion.
Pero estoy muy positivo sobre este 2025!
Vamos a darle!
Ya tendremos tiempo para ver el feedback de como va a salir manana!"
"UPDATE 16.1.:
"Umgebung verbessern" d.h. Aufräumen, Saubermachen und insgesamt etwas darfür tun, dass meine Wohnumgebung gesünder und besser wird zählt als Arbeitszeit, wenn ich die Aktivitäten in einem 90 HM Block durchführe."
"I am on the second part of the last section of the Sun module. However, I am not sure that I am going to be able to complete the module it in two days before the one month period is over. "
"I am on the second part of the last section of the Sun module. However, I am not sure that I am going to be able to complete the module it in two days before the one month period is over."
"I have made progress that I am happy with on editing my video, I have finished the intro, which has taken me many hours to do, so I think this is good progress"
"Ele falava mais ou menos assim: "oi diretor X, tem um minuto? Eu sou o fulano, já dublo a um tempinho, e queria saber se vc podia me escutar um pouquinho algum dia" "
"- finish the review of 1.2 ✅2025-01-14
- finish the introduction of the problem that Bayesian frameworks aim to solve at the beginning of 1.3 ✅2025-01-14"
"- send over questions to manufacturer about options
- update packaging with Riya
- clear email
- make a declaration - January 6-10am working on Mouth Aid
- stickk report"
"Tuesday January 14, arrived 2pm at the office, will probably leave at 8pm to wake up at 4am tomorrow. So that should be 6hr, but ok as I did more on Sunday...
"- Provide a summary of section 1.2. ✅2025-01-13
- Plan for an improvement of the concept of stakes in section 1.2 (added to the to-do list for tomorrow). ✅2025-01-13"
"- Begin writing section 1.3 incorporating all the clarifications made in the last two days of work. ✅2025-01-12
- Clarify the distinction between the two levels of decision making in the cases of simplified reasoning. ✅2025-01-12
- Transition into the preliminary roadblocks for a Bayesian theory of simplified reasoning. ✅2025-01-12
- Write a footnote justifying how the concept of credence is used in the Bayesian context and alluding to the debate of evidential probabilities. ✅2025-01-12"
"Week second completed 😄
Sunday means 3pm but he send me to another shop it's totally discusting but 50 rupees he gives me my thoughts drift to my situation (think on it ) my overall day value in rupees terms "
"Sunday JAN 12, arrived at 11h30 and will leave at 17h30 because have to sleep at 8pm to wake up 4am next morning. So that will be 6hrs only, but count as OK as I'm teachin 8hrs next day, plus 2hrs work in morning and in train and between the two courses, sot that will be min 10hrs."
"I did do it missing the last part of the day. I am not good at setting wind down yes
... Humhhhh I wonder how to set that time aside
More reflecting
"Já comecei a procurar cursos de dublagem. Na quinta, fiz contanto com várias pessoas, como o Márcio e o Léo Camillo, pra perguntar sobre algumas pessoas. Já foi bom pra descartar alguns, e vou continuar dando uma procurada "
"- Work on the clarification of exposition of Harsanyi's framework before adding updates to the Latex thesis document. ✅2025-01-11
- Make clear with the example Tennis Match _why_ the requirement of logical consistency is applied to s* understood as a composite statement that is constituted by a conjunction of s* and all its logical consequences instead of a disjunction of the alternatives that are exhaustive and mutually exclusive of s* understood as a disjunction. ✅2025-01-11"