
Exercise & Fitness

If you want to be healthy, inside and out, incorporating exercise into your life is important. Research has shown that regular physical activity is a major contributor to effective weight loss, improved physical health and emotional well-being. Ready to finally commit to getting in shape?

Successful Reports
Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.
- Earl of Derby

Community Journal: Exercise & Fitness

  • yash_1996 Jul 26, 2024, 5:38 PM
    "8272 steps and 88 mins"
    View my Commitment
  • dmoran703 Jul 26, 2024, 2:16 PM
    "P90x Plyometrics, week complete"
    View my Commitment
  • jacerbeach Jul 26, 2024, 9:22 AM
    "It went great the first day. Committing to pay money for non compliance really triggered this voraciously determined part of myself so I was very aggressive about planning to proactively plan my day and do things to stay in a good positive energy - I LOVED it! It went great! I plan to continue to do the same commitment - just slowly increasing the length of time I had to commit for (i.e. do 2 days, then 3 days, then 4 days etc. and once I get to 6 days I will uo the stake to $6 a day etc."
    View my Commitment
  • jacerbeach Jul 25, 2024, 3:22 PM
    "Record of where I was at when i started my commitment to my nutrition protocol on July 25, 2024. - 197.6 lbs (wearing my red swim trunks added 0.6 lbs) - measured in morning after bathroom trip and before consuming food or water - 39” waist - 14.5” neck - Estimated 27.4% body fat (a little into the obese range) - Estimated 143.5 lbs lean mass - Estimated 54.1 lbs fat mass I used this online calculator to estimate body fat - - a DEXA scan would be the gold standard this is probably the next best thing without spending money on that which i plan to do later. All measurements: Neck 14.5” Shoulders ~47” (hard to measure yourself on this one) Chest 40” Biceps 13.75” Forearms 12” Waist 39” Hips 42” Thighs 22” Calves 15.5”"
    View my Commitment
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