You are not working on the goals you identified: joining a group and working on your social life is missing. Congratulations on going to all your classes. Please keep working ahead and work on your social skills too through counseling and extra group.
- Committed user success report
Week 7:
Went to all my classes.
Finished all my homework before due dates.
Worked out for 5 days
Studied for midterms daily
Went to one math tutoring seassion.
Went to one threapy seassion.
Studied with a new friend from my english class
February 23 to March 1
Successful (referee feedback expired)
No report submitted
February 16 to February 23
- Referee approval report
Keep taking care of your business and you will be glad of the results before you know it!
- Committed user success report
Week 6:
Went to all my classes.
Finished all my homework before due dates.
Worked out for 5 days
Studied in the libary everyday
Went to a tutoring seassion