I hope and encourage you continue to be mindful of your goals and ways to incorporate them into your lifestyle!
- Committed user success report
Week 4:
Went to all my classes.
Finished all my homework before due dates.
Worked out for 5 days.
Went to 1SI tutoring session.
Worked ahead for my philosophy class on Wednesday(Watched a vedio and read an article written by the professor)
Went to the libary or the common area in my dormatory every night
January 26 to February 2
- Referee approval report
Hopefully things are going well. Tutoring still not completed
- Committed user success report
January 19 to January 26
Not Successful
Not Successful
- Referee failure report
Some success, and some room to improve. Waiting until the last minute cost $5 this week. I hope you participate in the clubs you identified, such as the Martial Arts Club, Chess Club, and Asian clubs. And meet with a tutor or Classmate for English hel
- Committed user success report
Week 2:
Went to all my classes.
Finished all my homework before due dates.
Worked out for 5 days.
Reached out to 2 clubs.
Participated in a study group on Saturday.