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Family Valentine’s Day without Spending a Dime
By Jennine E. Estes   View more articles by this author
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February 11

It’s that time of year again where the stores get filled with red balloons, heart decorations, lover’s cards, gifts, and flowers. February 14th is nationally recognized as “lover’s day,” a relationship day, and day for couples. Some singles despise the day, some couples enjoy the romance-focused day, other people feel overwhelmed, and other people avoid it at all cost. Either way, the focus tends to be solely on romantic relationships.  Valentine’s Day isn’t simply a day for couples or the marital dyad; it is also a day for families.  Celebrating as a family unit can be twice as important for the marriage and for the structure of the family. Good News…Valentine’s Day falls on a Sunday, and it gives you the entire day to spend it as a family!

Among the strain of work, family issues, parenting differences, and typical interpersonal stressors, the holiday can put additional pressure on the existing issues of finances and relationships. Here are a few FREE ideas on how to spend Valentine’s Day as a family:

  1. Family Scavenger Hunt: Step out of the box of traditional Valentine’s Day activities and try something different. Create a scavenger hunt around your yard and house with hints revolving around topics of family memories, admirations, love, and future goals.  Have fun and be creative with the hints. 
  2. Park, Cupcakes, and Games:  No matter the age of your children, there is always some type of game that can be played at the park.  Depending on the age and size of your family, the games can range from red light – green light to Simon-Says, from a card game to a football toss, and from tag to pictionary.  Show your family that you can relax and that you aren’t always a “workaholic” or “stress-case.”   
  3. Bake Heart Shaped Cookies as a family:  Our society is getting into the rut of taking the “easy way out” in life and buying the pre-packaged items, such as cookie dough.  Instead, make heart shaped cookies from scratch and decorate them as a family.  And yes…. this include you, Dad!   Not only will you teach the family a valuable lesson of baking, you also get to enjoy the activity of bonding and eating delicious cookies.   
  4. Homemade Cards:  Sit with your family at the table with music in the background (no television).  Make handmade cards to express how much you love them and the importance they have in your life. The time together can create time to talk, joke, laugh and share as a family. Even though you may show your love through your actions, express it in words as well.  Kids enjoy hearing it! 
  5. Movie Day:  If you don’t usually have a movie day as an entire family, make it a unique day for the family.  Watch a few movies with popcorn, pillows, fun snacks, and other unique items.  
  6. Mini-Trip: Pack a picnic and hop in the car.  Take the adventure of hopping in your car and driving to a nearby town or fun town spot.  Explore as a family and make a mini-trip out of it.  Later find a place for a picnic and enjoy your meal. 

If you have other ideas of FREE things you can do as a family for Valentine’s Day, share it!  The more ideas, the better!  Remember, not only does the family benefit, your marital bond can grow stronger through simply spending this day together.

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September 9, 2020, 6:59:05 AM GMT
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May 8, 2020, 9:11:10 PM GMT
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April 26, 2020, 10:12:54 AM GMT
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