If there is one thing worth committing to, it's your education. Whether it's doing well in school, reading a new book, or learning a language, taking the time to sharpen your noodle is the wisest investment you can make.
"Que bonito se siente cerrar otra semana!
llena de pendientes, juntas y poder ir trabajando mas estructurado con pendientes diarios semanales y saber en que enfocarme.
con Juntas con nico los domingos para organizarnos los domingos y saber que tenemos ahead, cerrando la logistica de los ultimos torneos, recibiendo las pelotas y haciendo pagos, para poder restablacer material y volver a empezar otra gran temporada despues de pesach!
Teniendo reuniones como con la presidenta de ultimate frisbee que no es tan relevante ya que nos darian 10 shekels por persona, y eso NO son sirve.
pero entendiendo como reprogramar y seguir adelante
Cerrando el semestre con nuestro ultimo evento mensual en IDC para cerrar otro semestre con el pie derecho. y haciendo el resumen semestral con numeros, testimonios y fotos para que IDC siga pagandome mi vivienda en Israel y podamos seguir trabajando con mi equipo!
Y para cerrar teniendo mas juntas con Gal la de hebrew U para hacerle sus suenos realidad de traer un personal trainer al campus y hablando con otra chava de destination para ver si por fin nos contratan!
Inovando con buceo! y esperando que podamos abrirlo y hacer de esto otra tradicion.
Justo como el de golda meir, que no me dio tiempo de escrbirir, pero ver todo suceder, el viernes pasado, Ambas finales en TLv y Jerusalem tras el torneo de golda, fue increible ver todo lo que hemos logrado hacer y como tantas cosas pasan en un solo dia de campeones!
porque ese el sentimiento que le damos a la gente, el sentimiento de ser unos campeones, en esta vida de locos!
Asi que a seguir motivando, conectando, e impactando!
un placer!"
"✅ Simplify: Erase 401 words from Ch1 in order to improve the flow of presentation of Harsanyi's view.
✅ Begin re-writing the presentation of Harsanyi's framework.
"Started the day productively by jogging and washing my clothes. I finally finished notes for Chapter 1 in Dev Psych but I still feel that my progress has been super slow so far and that although I have notes, I still need to understand some parts that were hazy for me and make my own summary without being too caught up with the details. For now I shall sleep. I don't think I'd rate this day successful either but at least I still had some progress."
"I have been working a couple of hours a day and have gotten about 1 hour of footage completely edited and finished. I think I am on a good track and am doing good so far."
"Made a study streak all 7 days.🎉
I've learned that to make this happen, I currently need a greater sense of structure during weekends which I'm working on."
"JAN 21 2025 Proof
11:00 am - 11:30 am: JOB SEARCH
11:30 am - 12:00 pm: JOB SEARCH
------------------ Research for resume edits
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm: Driver Ed
-------------------------- Practice Steering Maneuvers
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm: Travel Plan
------------------ Planned for foreign language study
1:00 pm - 1:30 pm: AWS Certs
1:30 pm - 2:00 pm: Google Cloud / JOURNAL CHECK
----------------- Start a Cloud console lab. Did not fnish..
2:00 pm - 2:30 pm: 2 Biz Certs
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm: 2 Biz Certs
----------------- Study securities and stocks maths equations
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm: SNHU Ed (Option to switch to SNHU Education)
3:30 pm - 4:00 pm: SNHU Ed (Option to switch to SNHU Education)
--------------------------- Study securities and stocks maths equations"
"I have begun a tutorial for Python code using coddy.com and supplementing this tutorial with youtube videos. I'm putting in the time but I'm strtuggling to gain that big picture that will make all learning a lot easier. I'm channeling Huberman with his claim that the learning comes in the form of struggle. Struggling causes certain neural chemcials to be released that isd a precursor to learning."
"The paragraph I've just typed vanished because the site reloaded to the login page. I'm too tired to recreate the paragraph so I'm just gonna say, I can't make it today cause I'm too sleepy. However, I'm proud of mahself for making it this far. I'm almost finished with the chapter. I'll continue the rest tomorrow. "
"Obg!! Eu to um pouco embaralhado com a questão dos reports, dia 19 eu li, mas no dia 20 é que eu respondo pelo dia 19, e eu acabei esquecendo de reportar"
"ho eseguito e spedito gli esercizi dell'unità 8, inviato anche quelli dell'unità 7 e iniziato a colorare la lineart della ragazza coi capelli rosa del modulo 8, più seguito tutorial"
"ho visto diversi tutorial di acquerello, colorato digitalmente (male, ma comunque l'ho fatto) un viso, fatto pratica con la campionatura, fatto uno schizzo a penna"
"- Reflect in the way in which I introduce Harsanyi's framework by saying before the actual presentation that there were two key difficulties. ✅ 2025-01-17"
"JAN 16th 2025 Video Proof
11:00 am -11:30 pm: AWS Certs
11:30 pm -12:00 pm: AWS Certs
------------ Reviewed an AWS practice lab
12:00 pm -12:30 pm: SNHU Ed (Option to switch to SNHU Education)
12:30 pm -1:00 pm: SNHU Ed (Option to switch to SNHU Education)
------------------ Scoured through previous noted research for college enrollment
1:00 pm -1:30 pm: Azure Certs (Option to switch to SNHU Education)
1:30 pm -2:00 pm: Azure Certs (Option to switch to SNHU Education)
---------------------------- Glance over Azure practice labs. Admin credential access blocked launch...
2:00 pm -2:30 pm: Google Cloud (Option to switch to SNHU Education)
2:30 pm -3:00 pm: Google Cloud (Option to switch to SNHU Education)
3:00 pm -3:30 pm: Google Cloud
3:30 pm -4:00 pm: Google Cloud
----------------------------- Started a practice lab. Did not finish due to call.