Real-World Experiment Day 13 Star this Commitment

wrkinprogrss commits to:

I commit to concentrate on real world concerns and constructive actions, today -- I will not read, watch, write, or listen to fictional works, today. I also commit to asking myself the following question three times, today, and noting whatever thoughts or answers come to me. And I commit to being in bed with the lights out by 10:00pm, with the alarm set for 6:00am.

The Question: What kinds of things make me more interested in working through difficult bits of reality than in escaping from reality into fiction?
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My Commitment Journal
November 18, 2008, 6:26 PM
I'm going to call this one a qualified success. I stayed away from fiction, itself, though not from news about fictional works. I asked myself the question and noted my responses three times. I was in bed with the lights out by 10:15pm, with the alarm set for 6:15am. Not perfect, but very close, and the earliest bedtime I've managed in quite a while. Yay, me!
November 18, 2008, 5:54 AM
OK, third time with the question: What kinds of things make me more interested in working through difficult bits of reality than in escaping from reality into fiction?

I had a thought about this when I was loading the dishwasher. What was it? Hm. Revisiting the scene, I recall thinking about bouncy music sometimes helping, but I'm not sure that was the main item. Something about small chunk size? Witnesses? Something enjoyable and compatible happening concurrently? Also just thought that admiration/praise/respect can help, kind of an aspect of wanting a respected witness. Pretty sure there was something else. Maybe I'll think of it in the morning. Heading for bed NOW.
November 18, 2008, 4:48 AM
I'm doing OK on the letter of the contract, so far. Skirted the edge of the spirit with some web searches related to fiction works, e.g., HP6 movie, but think I'm still inside the line where I can call it successful so far. Aim to come back in an hour or less and ask myself the Q the third time.
November 18, 2008, 4:45 AM

OK, that worked. Continuing reconstruction, I do notice that it helps me to get on with difficult bits of reality if I feel that I have a good chance of successfully completing significant chunks in the near future. The work that I did get done, today, was work that I was fairly confident I could do without major effort or time expenditure. In fact, I think each bit took less than an hour. I was thinking that it might also help if I had people I felt I could lean on, more, re the difficult bits, or lean on more comfortably / with less effort. I'm not sure whether knowing the subject matter better would help, or not. I'm guessing that would depend on whether or not I was intrinsically interested in the content. If so, likely yes. If not, likely no. Having working software readily available might very well help ... but that's less certain in dev. context.
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November 17 to December 18
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