Real World Experiment Day 18 Star this Commitment

wrkinprogrss commits to:
concentrate on real world concerns and constructive actions until after I return from my evening excursion to concert or lecture/presentation, today -- I will not read, watch, write, or listen to fictional works until that time or after 10:32pm. I also commit to trying to notice any feelings or situations that immediately precede any cravings for escape into fiction, at any time when those may occur. I commit to using the hour between 10:32 and 11:32 for journaling or cartooning re fostering ecologically sustainable ways of living, or else for preparing for bed. I commit to starting preparations for bed by 11:32pm, sharp, and I commit to be in bed with the lights out by midnight.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
November 23, 2008, 8:27 PM
Pretty successful with this--kept the fiction to the alloted post-concert-to-10:32 timeframe, and was in bed with the lights out by midnight. Did a lot of journaling, during various parts of the day, but am not sure how much of that had to do with noticing fiction-craving. I did do some journaling between 10:32 and 11:32, with intent to revisit sustainability-related issues, but I felt that I wrote a little more generally than I would ideally have liked. Possibly late night, even on a Saturday, is not the best time for focused thoughts about the sustainability meta-project. Right after concert and fiction may also not be the best. The bit of fiction that I read really seemed to stick in my mind. Nonetheless, I'm calling this day a success!
November 22, 2008, 11:56 PM
Next: experiment with fall foliage photography. Then make shopping lists.
November 22, 2008, 11:55 PM
Missed the time window for today's Farmer's Market. Felt very sad an unmotivated, afterwards. Looked for LJ communities and users with Brain as an interest, briefly, then researched twitter. Seem to have come out of the slump somewhere in the twitter part of that.
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November 22
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