
AndyC13 commits to:
Run and finish the Famous Idaho Potato Half Marathon half-marathon (Boise) on May 30, 2015
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
April 4, 2015, 1:32 AM
Doubling my efforts

I am crazy busy this week which means only one thing- I should take time I don't have and run twice as much! I am not sleeping, my diet is terrible, but I am committed to doing an extra 15 miles this week on top of my regular regiment. I hadn't been sore the last few weeks, but this doubled effort has taken a significant toll on my body, which I assume means its working. My hips, thighs, calves, feet, and back all ache. I love it! No pain no gain!
March 25, 2015, 5:17 AM
Hitting my stride (literally)

I have a tendency to complicate and over-think things. This week I have given up all of my ideas and submissively obeyed the basic tenants of every article I have read about training for a half marathon- slow down, focus on form, build endurance. It turns out that it is really good advice. I have added nearly a mile to my nightly distance and I am a lot more consistent. It feels a lot better and I am not having to continuously adjust the pace. I just wish I had the discipline to run in the morning rather than late at night, but homework, family, and work keep me up way too late every night. Well, at least my stride is at the right pace.
March 18, 2015, 6:35 AM
Quantity over quality.
Being sick and crazy busy, I have not been real enthusiastic about running (or even being awake). Yet I continue to stick with it, and pound out that 30 minutes every night. It is not my best work. It could hardly be considered work. While I am not proud of it, it is better than the alternative- feeling sorry for myself, making excuses, and waiting until I have the time and health to perform at my usual level. I think this is the point where most people give up and probably never come back. I am going to make it over the hump. I am 10 weeks into training, with 10 weeks to go. I am committed to hitting the ground running (pun intended) next week with all of the vigor and energy that I started with. The second half is all downhill baby!
March 13, 2015, 5:56 AM
Accountability is key in weeks like this. I was out of town for 4 days, am really sick, and have a ton of work projects I need to be spending time on. Training is NOT CONVENIENT! I do not have time to be running, but I am still doing it! It is because I made this commitment. Commitments and accountability are so key to behavior change. I really enjoy exercising when it is convenient and things are going smoothly, but normally I would totally fall off the rails on weeks like this. ...But I keep running anyway. And I am glad that I have more than willpower to fall back on, I have my word.
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Displaying 1-1 of 1 result.
February 22 to May 30
Not Successful
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Total at stake: $50.00
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Total Money Lost: $50.00
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