Week 5 of 5

jghafer commits to:
Work on it for an hour EVERY day.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
April 16, 2015, 3:45 AM
Whew okay so I got the hours in under the wire and feel like I made some progress today. Thanks to you Laura, because I really needed that pep talk!!!! And I now have a more realistic understanding about how much more time this will take, which is good. I have always feared this thesis and even more so the dissertation, but it's going to help my self-esteem and ability to withstand the discomfort of a slow process like this. I'm going to be more discpilined. Stickk is a really good method for me, I can't imagine contributing to an anti-gay cause!!! And I also just can't lie about this, it's just too weird to cheat. Thank you again Laura:) xoxoxo
April 9, 2015, 3:27 AM
so I really pushed it this time...just got these hours in under the wire. I'm not doing great with the consistent daily thing but total hours being 7 per week I'm doing. It's not easy. But it's helping me get through this process of working on the thesis even when I'm not motivated at all, and I'm learning and getting back into it. Gotta do better though to do a little each day so I don't get this close to having to give money to a terrible anti-gay organization!!!!!
March 30, 2015, 2:32 PM
Okay so I have not done EXACTLY what I said, which is work on it an hour every day. BUT I have done 7 hours this week. Which means yesterday I worked on it for 3 hrs and 45 minutes! I carry over time each day that I don't work on it and move it over to the next. The end result is the same though, and I'm making incremental progress that I wouldn't be otherwise. This is so hard for me because I never feel motivated to work on it, but Stickk has made me do it and I'm feeling happy about what I've done so far. The cool thing is I'm also getting the feeling I'm LEARNING. Which is what school should be about. Traditionally, I do everything last minute and don't retain much. I know learning theory and know I'm always approaching school the wrong way. I wish I'd had this for the past few years, or all my life:/ But anyway. The future will be better than the past.
March 16, 2015, 4:31 AM
I have gotten so much done this week and feel really good about the hour rule bc it goes by quickly:) and it forces me to be efficient and incremental in my approach. I feel so good about this!!!
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Displaying 1-4 of 5 results.
April 6 to April 13
March 30 to April 6
March 23 to March 30
March 16 to March 23
Recipient of Stakes
Anti-charity (Gay Marriage: Institute for Marriage and Public Policy)
To change the Recipient of Stakes for your Thesis Commitment, enter their email address or stickK username below.
Total at stake: $50.00
Stakes per period: $10.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $0.00
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