Drink more water during the day Star this Commitment
Week 8 of 8

jbhurst commits to:
Drink more water during the day for my health
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My Commitment Journal
June 28, 2015, 5:40 PM
I barely made my goal this week, but my trusty referee (my boyfriend) helped me in realizing that I need to continue with my goal. Drinking more water has definitely increased the amount of urine output which can be annoying when you are constantly in your car for work. However, I think that having this goal in the summer with the terribly hot weather we have been having helped me to achieve my goal for the week. The goal is hard because I am transitioning to another agency, but I don't have a full caseload with my new agency yet, so I have some time off that allows me to have more access to water to complete my goal. When I have a new caseload at my new agency, where I am required to do more in-home things rather than at the Early Intervention Center, it will definitely get even more difficult.
June 21, 2015, 3:52 PM
This week I had some difficulty completing my goal as I moved to another agency this week, so things have been sporadic. However, I have drank water more throughout the day when I bought a water bottle to fill up rather than individual
bottles of water. I even completed my goal yesterday event though I did not make my contract for the weekends. On Wednesday, my first day with my new agency I did not complete my goal to being too busy and not having a reliable source of water. 4 out of 5 days was my goal, therefore I completed it. My boyfriend has been a good referee and continues to push me towards my goal. Unfortunately, I have not seen any benefits to my health which is why I made the goal to drink more water. I will continue to work towards my goal.
June 14, 2015, 4:19 AM
My commitment is going pretty well! I have to admit that I completed the goal barely! 4 bottles of water a day for a whole week is a challenging goal! I might have been to hard on myself. I did not complete my goal on Wednesday, drinking only 3 and a half bottles, but I was out of the office that day due to illness. I drank two Gatorades that day, but I did not drink strictly water. I have noticed that consuming more water during the week makes me less likely to go for a soda when I get home from work. I am glad that I selected the commitment only for the work week, as I did not complete my goal today due to a busy day. I really hope that starting a new job does not deter my progress, but my new office is not as nice and does not offer a fridge to help me achieve my goal. I felt bad about myself when my referee asked about my progress and gave me a hard time when I told him I was behind on my goal. I will use it for ammunition for the next week :)
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