Launch website Star this Commitment

The Antipodean commits to:
Build and launch my website by mid-February 2017
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
The Antipodean
January 8, 2017, 9:15 AM
Have built Paris and Italy galleries, and found and loaded missing images from Japan, Malaysia and the USA into Lightroom for key-wording and rating. Still missing (i.e. on some hard-drive somewhere) are images from other Japan trips (e.g. Shinto wedding ceremony, 3,5,7 festival, Kyoto temples, Nara, Zao), Tibet images (e.g. monks arguing), China images (e.g. pandas).

To do next:
1. find missing Tibet, Japan and China images
2. choose best Asian images and decide on what the gallery themes will be
The Antipodean
January 3, 2017, 5:49 AM
Downloaded a Squarespace template, went through Lightroom images rated 3-stars or higher and marked Website candidate images.

To Do next:
1. go through all Lightroom images and rate them (there are 20,000! and I don't know how many I haven't already assessed and rated i.e. how many that don't have rating stars are because they're not good enough to get stars or because I haven't looked at them!).
2. find all my missing images that are not yet in Lightroom but are on various hard-drives...
3. sort out my filing schmozzle....
The Antipodean
January 2, 2017, 3:09 AM
Am reading reviews of website builders to decide if Squarespace is for me.
    This Commitment has no photos.
Displaying 1-1 of 1 result.
January 2 to February 11
Not Successful
No report submitted
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Total at stake: $100.00
Stakes per period: $100.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $100.00
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