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2ndrenfunding commits to:
Create standard operating procedure for subject to deed lease option
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My Commitment Journal
February 6, 2018, 6:59 PM
Ill put together a power point once I have the contracts
February 6, 2018, 6:58 PM
taking over existing mortgage, but the loan is still in the sellers name

you can go to closing the deed is in your name

mortgage is still in their name

closing costs you have to pay to close

subject to property and turn around and use a lease option - be prepared that if mortgage company finds out you have to call it due

be prepared

money order or get access to login to mortgage company - they would never know

as long as you aren’t brining up

homeowners insurance need to be in the mortgage payments

if the seller has homeowners insurance you need to get

dont throw up red flags

do what you are supposed to do on time

step by step

1.) right contract for subject when approaching the seller

2.) understanding their why, their has to be

benefit of subject to - when negotiating with a seller

wholesaling lease option - wendy patton

seller don’t have to maintenance, maintain property, and pay for everything, they never have to worry about selling their house, no realtors, no closing costs,

dont have to worry about tenant

you maintain the property, make the payments to the mortgage company - NEVER late, SAVING THEIR CREDIT BY DOING THIS

you will carry a $1,000,000 liability property
so they will come after me

tell them that they are going to save their credit, because they are going to maintain it, do repairs, make the mortgage payments on time never late, maintain liability insurance

prequalified tenant buyer in the

12-24 months they will get their own mortgage but your debt is paid in full,

all you did was do is increase their credit score


1.) Show the benefits
2.) Draw up contract that they can sign, set up closing
3.) Close and get access to property then immediately then ACCESS DAMAGE, scratch and dent client store
4.) List as lease for option with real estate agent - first months rent as payment. NO COMMISSION on other end
5.) Get tenant buyer in place, get option fee at lease signing
6.) Wait it out make payments

BUT you have to have the lease option in place first


7.) Assign the lease and option to tenant buyer

explain that the seller doesn’t have to worry about anything

8.) They will sell at estimated value at 1-2 years ( no more than 2 )

9.) Get your option money - explain to the seller that you are getting a motivated seller

I put sellers and buyers together

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February 5 to February 12

- Referee approval report
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Money to a friend ($100.00 to BBullock22 per failed reporting period)
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Total at stake: $100.00
Stakes per period: $100.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $0.00
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