Media regulation Star this Commitment

stopnarrativ commits to:
Not engage in media that I find overly addictive, such as manga and web novels. I will not engage with movies, youtube videos, or games in my apartment, only when outside, and with others. I accept boredom, and will replace previous activities with healthier, non-addictive ones.
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My Commitment Journal
November 26, 2018, 7:52 PM
I regularly sleep before midnight now.

I've picked up reading books I've been wanting to read for a while, like Essentialism, and Scientific Advertising.

I've also begun to listen to more podcasts again, and the conversations and advice in them have helped, like the "Rate it from 1 to 10, but you cannot use 7" technique.

I exercise very regularly again.

Cold showers have become every day again as well, and I take them with more intention than before. It's a good ritual.

There is less "noise" going on, so it's easier to listen and feel to what I want to do, or see the connections between my actions and goals. And actually take actions.

I've noticed that my conversations with people have more variety, because I'm more in the moment, instead of thinking of the story that I want to read. I'm more observant to things, like behavior, body language, tone, or reactions to my sometimes slightly absurd statements. I also notice other details, like what they're wearing or what they've brought. I can do that because my interactions are less systematic, hi, bye, done.

A bit ill yesterday and today, but I'm using the principle of lowest barrier, or the smallest thing I can do. I didn't feel like leaving the bed today, but I just did a shorter meditation session. Didn't force myself to take a cold shower (though I made it mildly cold in the end anyway). I've been dancing to 90s music before showering lately, but instead of getting pumped up, I just swayed, and it was enough to make me feel better. Now I'm at a cafe and reflecting, and then engaging with work I wanted to get done today, creating Search Ads. One small bite at a time, and it doesn't have to be perfect.
November 11, 2018, 3:57 AM
Some times have wanted to fall back into habit. When I was stressed, bored, and tired at work, and staring at the computer. Or stressed at cafe when I should’ve been diving into improving ad campaigns.

First case, I can use chance to review ad articles or excel tutorials. Second, I need to review what I wrote before to feel less stressed and fearful of task, and dive in.

Have been using Bluetooth speaker a lot recently. It’s nice, listening to different artists and feeling like I’m committing them to memory. Also energizing and raises mood. Today was the first time I danced to music in the house in.. probably years.

Listening to podcasts also helps a lot, so it’s good I returned to that. Some of Tony Robbins stuff is a bit repeated, but I was able to more deeply understand the concepts in my life.

Mood and energy in morning sucks. Tried listening to podcasts while waking. Slept extra hours too, actually, I think I’m finally caught up on sleep again, from what I lost before while being addicted to media. Finally got a French press, so can get coffee right away in morning, which I noticed gives me the umph to finish morning tasks and get out. Also, I don’t have to wait like an hour at the cafe to “get started”, so that’s good.

Have been exercising regularly, sleeping earlier, cooking and eating better, meditating daily, and expanding my thinking and experiences. Definitely good. And I’ll keep it that way. Cause I’m not a person who lets himself get addicted to media and loses absolute self control. There are rules I follow for media.
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November 7 to December 8
Recipient of Stakes
Anti-charity (Environmental: The National Center for Public Policy Research)
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Total at stake: $25.00
Stakes per period: $25.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $0.00
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