Keep a Low Profile Star this Commitment

mrglass777 commits to:
Due to legal and social consequences in 2018, I commit to staying under the radar in 2019. This means no social media (except stickk ; ) no phone unless emergency, no radio, etc. This also means no going out unless ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. Something like "going to the store for milk in a blizzard". Mostly stick to my basement and don't even speak with my family. When people do confront me with their bullshit, DONT BE RUDE. Just say "I dont know" or "I didnt do it". How can this go wrong?
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My Commitment Journal
March 22, 2019, 12:32 PM
I've had interaction with the police 3 times, went to a diner 3 times, applied for employment numerous times, saw my former family twice, and went to the doctor twice. This is the OPPOSITE of keeping a low profile. I MUST make this an ongoing commitment, and learn to stay away from the places and things that the vermin of the world (people) congregate and hold court.
March 19, 2019, 4:15 PM
Time, 1210 hours. Approximately 2 hours ago, give or take, I noticed a windowless white van parked in front of my window. At first I ignored it. However, I began curling barbells in front of the view, and noticed the investigator in the van taking photos. I finally had enough, and smiled and waved at him. Then, I proceeded to stick my tongue out, and give the "nana nana boo boo" gesture. He drove off. Apparently, I cannot even keep a low profile while living in seclusion. I will update this commitment to no more taunting the feds while they are peeping in my window, and invading my privacy. Also, I must heighten my situational awareness I was trained at having. After all, we are currently under martial law.
March 10, 2019, 2:23 PM
Update the commitment now. I'm starting to discover how life works. In this world, we are all divided up into categories. Since childhood, we are taught to label the outside world by things like, "no Suzy, that's not a dog. Its a cat." I am in a unique position that I have gone almost 40 years without being a joiner of any sort. I've joined no family. No circle of friends. No religious organization. No political affiliation. No corporation, etc. This ironically has become my biggest strength, and weakness at the same time. It leaves me vulnerable to attacks from groups of people. However, it also puts me in the unique position to act fairly and not feel any allegiance to one group or another when a conflict arises. This has me labeled as "the spiteful loner". I do have allies however. People whom I have noticed take my side when I'm attacked by pea-brained groups are capitalist pigs, and military men and women. ESPECIALLY special ops guys since they've made a career surviving on their own. I'm updating the commitment. PLACES I should stay away from: Weddings, Funerals, Class and Family reunions, parties, etc, as these are highly social and I will be roasted. Also, churches, hospitals, AA groups, bars, and restaurants must be avoided at all costs since they are meccas where a person's dirty laundry is put on display.
People I must avoid. Lawyers, doctors (especially psychologists), and DEFINITELY politicians, ministers, and engineers (politicians, ministers, and engineers must be avoided by loners since they thrive on their narcissism based on their looks and intelligence and the way they make their living is by roasting loners like me). Other people I have to watch out for: Police, Nurses, and teachers (teachers are also know as indoctrinators) these are all people of authority. I must also stay away from actors, musicians, comedians, models, men and women who strip and hook, and other panhandling professions as these are based in a very social way of interacting with the world. Also, gym and club rats should be avoided.

People whom I can seek out, African Americans, Latino Americans, and other minorities, lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, and transgender INDIVIDUALS, the mentally ill and autistic, and other unprotected classes. As a loner, I am in a unique position as an individualistic white man to protect these groups from the classes I listed in the last paragraph whom wish to enslave them. If the unprotected class has not been preyed upon by hipsters, pagans, and other assorted commies whom wish to enslave them I might be able to save the down trodden. And, of course, I must always look out for the elderly and children from predators using my force protection as they are the weakest and most vulnerable in this cruel world. FINALLY, I know my place in this world after 40 years and how to keep a low profile.
March 6, 2019, 9:20 PM
Total, and utter failure this week. I woke up to start a new job on Monday (going into the private sector to work is too high profile). I went outside for a smoke. My new neighbor was possibly inebriated and started walking towards me screaming obscenities. He had a large, black object in his hands (for all I know it could have been a shotgun). I remember this guy because when he was drunk one day prior, he started filming me on his cell phone. Just an aside here, any "human being" who uses a camera phone or social media to put their fellow humans on display is COMPLETE FUCKING HUMAN REFUSE GARBAGE AND SHOULD MIND THEIR OWN DAMN BUSINESS. When I saw he was filming me, I stared him down, giving him the middle finger with my right hand, and cusping my testes with the left in a menacing manor. I have to make a decision here. Should he attack me again and try breaking into my apartment with the intent of grave bodily harm, should I risk breaking my commitment and use deadly force to protect my person and property as I am entitled under the castle doctrine of the ORBC? Or, should I run away, hide, and keep a low profile? The assault is inevitable with this new neighbor. My reaction is not.
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December 28 to March 22
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