Get a 4+ in Quantum Mechanics Star this Commitment

Undergalaxy commits to:
Getting a 4+ in Quantum Mechanics
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My Commitment Journal
June 29, 2019, 6:18 AM
You can't force yourself to do something better. You can only force yourself to do something you don't do already.
February 19, 2019, 12:58 PM
I've read the math & CM intro from Shankar. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to fully comprehend it on a deep intuitive level and I think that will be a detriment in my further study. I will not, however, be studying QM anymore before the semester starts. I have other more urgent things that I need to get done soon. I have abandoned reading Messiah. I will just see if Shankar meets my needs since I like his style more from what I've read.
February 6, 2019, 4:28 PM
I got two beautiful books on QM that I want to review before the semester starts. I will get familiar with them so that I know where to look for what best when the classes start.
I also got a book on Classical Mechanics to review my knowledge on what is needed for QM.
I will also make a list of reasons why to study quantum, and I will try my best to make a video as well.

"Nowadays, there hardly exists a branch of physics which one can seriously approach without knowledge of Quantum Mechanics."
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Displaying 1-1 of 1 result.
February 6 to June 29
Not Successful
Not Successful
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Anti-charity (Environmental: The Scientific Alliance)
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Total at stake: $40.00
Stakes per period: $40.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $40.00
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