Moderate Recreational Time Star this Commitment

wrkinprogrss commits to:
doing recreational and non-business web-surfing, reading, audiobook/story listening, video viewing, and photography editing and posting only in the following time windows: On work days, after 18:30 or 8 hours of job work and before 22:30 on MTWF, 23:15 on Th. On Saturdays or Friday holidays, no restrictions. On Sundays or holidays before work days, before 22:30. I commit to using LeechBlock and Chronager settings to support this timing.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
June 10, 2010, 8:36 PM
Thanks! Compared with the week before, I'm quite happy with the last week. Compared with what I think it should be, not so much. Thanks again for being here--it does make a tremendous difference to me.

Yeah, I try to report daily. Otherwise, I forget how I did. Also, it feels like a tiny victory to have a good day and write it down that it was good. Or decent.

I think the way the stickK notifications work is: any time I post in the journal for one of your goals, it notifies you. Any time you post in one of my goal journals, it notifies me. But if I post in my own journal, it doesn't notify you--it only notifies you about activity in my goals when I invite you to support me or when it's the day for a weekly pass/fail report. But you can drop by any time--my goals should be listed under your Supporting tab, near the top of the page. We can correspond in your goals, or my goals, or the messages, or the stickKer notes--wherever! Any preferences?
June 10, 2010, 7:40 PM
Seems to me you did great for the week. Maybe onlt two days you seemed to have regrets about. Great job!

You do reports on your goal daily? Haven't seen these before.
June 10, 2010, 1:15 PM
Did pretty well with this goal on 6/9, but wandered into a couple hours of playing with an interactive local map during work hours. Think I'll call it a success for the week, anyway--went way better than last week!
June 9, 2010, 9:24 PM
Did OK on this goal on 6/8, too. It's a big help to be interacting w/ Robert, daily, about our respective goals--even if I'm not talking directly about this goal, the regular interaction helps me to be motivated to keep my recreational reading and browsing, etc, to the specified time periods. If today goes OK, I'll report this as a success, tomorrow.
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June 2 to June 9
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