Read a short story daily Star this Commitment
Day 24 of 24

Youcanbeahero commits to:
Reading one complete short story each day of the week for 21 days
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My Commitment Journal
November 10, 2020, 4:38 AM
In chapter 6 of Mio, My Son, Mio rides to the Forrest of Moonlight along with Pompoo. Mio cannot shake the desire to do this ever since he heard the Well that Whispers at Night say, "Once upon a time there was a king's son riding in the Moonlight". Mio's father is not happy that he wants to go anywhere near there, but he does not stop him. Mio goes to the Forest of Moonlight with Pompoo and there he meets a colt of horses with white fur and golden manes, just like Miramis. Mio learns from Pompoo that this forest is where Miramis came from, to which Mio says, "I didn't know that". And Pompoo replies, "There's a lot you don't know, Mio." Mio also learns why his father did not want him to go near the Forest of Moonlight. From it, Sir Kato's territory, Outer Land, makes border with the forest. As usual, something breaks at the mention of Sir Kato's name and Mio is scared. They ride on horseback through the forest, just enjoying the ride, and Mio's cloak gets ripped on a branch, but he does not stop. They run into a cottage where they meet a granny who is weaving a cloth of dreams. Mio questions her and finds out that her granddaughter has been seized by Sir Kate, as well as a foul from the team of horses in the forest. Finally overwhelmed by the tragedy Sir Kato brings to Farawayland, Mio decides he will go to Outer Land, though he is immensely scared. At that point he learns that he was always destined to go to Outer Land to stop Sir Kato and that everyone knew it except him. Crying, he asks, why does it have to be him, and Pompoo says that only a child of royal blood can stop Sir Kato. Destiny and all that. Pompoo tells Mio he will accompany him, and granny fixes Mio's cloth with part of the cloth of dreams. Mio and Pompoo get on Miramis, and head for Outer Land.
November 7, 2020, 4:03 AM
Today I read chapter 5 if Mio, My Son. Mio and Pompoo cross the Bridge if Morninglight for the first time. In doing so it is revealed that Miramis can run on air. The Bridge only extended partially towards the Land on the Other Side, and Mio thought they would fall to their deaths. Instead, they run over the clouds and land on the other side, where they run into Tatty and his brothers and sisters, who are sitting around a well. Tatty explains that there is something special about the well, but they have to wait to nightfall to see it. They play the day away. Mio finds a silver spoon on the grass, and Tatty tells hin it belongs to one of his sisters, who was seized by the cruel Sir Kato. (This Kato man is the Voldemort of this story. Every time someone says his name everything around the dies.) Tatty tells Mio to keep the spoon, as his sister will never use it again, which makes his other siblings sad. The topic is not brought up again, and they keep playing. Finally, at dark they gathered around the well, which turns out whispers fairy tales long forgotten by people. Mio is particularly caltivated by one that starts, "Once upon a time there was a king's son riding in the moonlight", which is the image on which the chapter ends as Mio rides over the Bridge of Moonlight on his way back home.
November 6, 2020, 3:49 AM
Today I read chapter 4 of Mio, My Son. In this chapter Mio and Pompoo meet with Nonno, the shepherd boy who crafted flutes for them. They spend a great deal of their day playing together, all apparently having a gift for music, as they play beautiful melodies together without any prior instruction. Mio observes they have no audience to play with, so Nonno takes them to his grandmother. It's a long way away, their home, but Nonno, says, the way will feel short if they play as they walk, so they and the sheep and lams and Miramis form a parade as they march to Nonno's house. There they surprise the elderly woman with their musical trio and she gives them all bread to eat. Then, when Mio says he is hungry, water to drink. .Nonno then says he has to leave soon to sleep in the fields while watching the sheep, and his grandmother hands him a cloak so he is not cold. Mio expresses interest in sleeping outside, to which Nonno says he can. The grandmother sends a letter to Mio's and Pompoo's fathers to let them know they will not return that night, and gives the two boys another pair of cloaks she happens to have. A red one for Mio and a blue one for Pompoo. Grandma gives them more bread and water to eat and drink while out in nature and they depart. They make a fire and lie around it. Mio, observing the stars, wonders if they care if they play to them, to which Nonno replies that he thinks they do, and the chapter ends with the three boys playing a melody to the stars.
November 5, 2020, 4:00 AM
For some reason Stickk isn't giving me the option to report today, but I read chapter 4 of Mio, My Son, in which Mio meets Miramis, his trusty new horse. Miramis is white with a golden mane and eyes. Mio used to know this other horse called Charlie when he lived in North Street, which he loved. But Miramis is his own horse, and he immediately becomes attached to him. He rides him all across the Garden of Roses. He meets Nonno, a Shepherd boy who carves wooden flutes for Mio and Pompoo and teaches them a strange old melody. Mio and Pompoo agree that if they ever hear one another play the melody from far away, they will know the other is calling. Then they ride some more and see the Bridge of Daylight (or something like that), which connects to other territories of Farawayland. The bridge disappears at night so that Sir Kato cannot enter the Garden of Roses, and at the mention of Kato's name, Mio and Miramis shiver, and they don't mention him again. They turn around, with Mio hoping to receive permission from his Father the King to cross the bridge of Daylight the next day.
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Displaying 1-4 of 24 results.
November 23
Not Successful
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November 22
Not Successful
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November 21
Not Successful
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November 20
Successful (referee feedback expired)
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Total at stake: $120.00
Stakes per period: $5.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $55.00
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