Experiment: Balancing Work & Re... Star this Commitment

wrkinprogrss commits to:
these timing choices:
During any home chore b4 22:30 SunMTWF, 23:15 Th, Sat anytime: audio lectures.
Workdays b4 18:00 or 8 hours job work: internet only for job work+stickK, photography max of two 15-min breaks using timer.
After that: must do 30 min non-computer chores b4 personal i’net use or project reading, + 30 more min chores b4 fun i’net research or photo uploads/edits/posts.
Max 1 hr/night: escape rdg by eye.
Only for job needs or to fix problems: Leechblock, Chronager changes.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
August 23, 2010, 8:56 PM
Sorry to hear about the week, even though your posts were not saying very good things later in the week.
Hope for better things for you this week.
Let me check out your new goal and see what you wrote in my commitments.
I am very stuck right now so I want to get going.
August 23, 2010, 6:28 PM
Feel somewhat better after commenting in Robert's goal journal. Not sure why that is, but I'll take it. Going to set new goal, now.
August 23, 2010, 5:03 PM
08/22/10 was a lot like 08/21/10--there were good parts, but I strugged with feeling like I was defeated before I started for a lot of both days. Not sure why or what to do about it.

Re this goal, was more or less OK on the letter of the goal on Saturday, since it's basically a day without restrictions, but I didn't observe the late-night audio-book restrictions on Sunday, sealing the failure that I felt my Friday evening online reading started.

I should set a new goal for this work week, but woke with a similar bummed-out feeling and don't know when I'll get to the point where I'm willing to do it.

I hate this kind of setback!
August 22, 2010, 7:34 PM
Thanks for the hugs and for checking on me. Yesterday was kind of mixed--partly good accomplishments, and partly enjoyment, but also a lot of feeling of being overwhelmed with things to do. Woke up feeling similarly, this morning. Am trying to set myself reasonable goals but there is considerable temptation to dive into anything that will let me ignore my long to-do list. So, as I say, mixed.
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August 15 to August 22
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