This Week's Balance Experiment Star this Commitment

wrkinprogrss commits to:
Always OK: music I own.

Workdays b4 18:00 or 8 hrs job work: internet only for job wk+stickK+radio, photography max of 2 timed 15-min breaks, audio lectures OK during chores or cooking.

Workdays 18:00-22:30 (23:15 Thur), SS anytime: must do 30min non-computer chores b4 personal i’net use, proj/escape rdg, photo uplds/edits/posts, or watching videos, but audio unrestricted.

Max 1hr/eve escape reading M-F.

After 22:30 workdays: no non-music audio or escape or project reading.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
September 9, 2010, 6:01 PM
Restarted Qi Gong, last night, with around 15 minutes of exercises, after missing 2 days. Think I'd made it up to 21 days in a row, this last time.

This last goal was officially blown by audiobook bingeing. Significant internet bingeing on the three days following the official end of this last goal. Possible factors: holiday weekend + vacation day, own expectations for weekend+ accomplishments, jury duty making it harder to plan and to get into a normal rhythm, and yet another boundary violation by landlord & crew. Didn't help that the weather suddenly became much more Fall-like, during that time. Despite all this, had a very good & interesting session with the chiropractor on Tuesday, and a very pleasant date with Robert on Wednesday.

Job work barely started, this morning, sometime in the 10-11 timeframe. Job work restart #1: 11:00.
September 9, 2010, 5:36 PM
I'm trying to set up a new goal, this morning, and am finding that stickK is hanging during the goal creation process. I've just reported it to them.

Here's the text of the new goal--I'm going to consider it in effect as of now, except that I'll allow personal email checking until I know that stickK will let me create the real goal:

From now through next Wednesday, I commit to:

Always OK: music I own.

M-F b4 18:00 or 8 hrs job work: internet only for job work+stickK+radio, photography max of 2 timed 15-min breaks, audio lectures OK during chores/food prep.

M-F 18:00-22:30 (23:15 Thur), S-S anytime: audio unrestricted but must do 30 min of non-computer chores b4 personal internet use, project/escape rdg, photo uploads/edits/posts, or watching videos. Max escape reading M-F 1 hr, SS 2 hr.

After 22:30 Sun-Fri: no non-music audio or escape or proj rdg.
September 9, 2010, 12:25 AM

I just haven't been willing to set up a new one, yet. We can talk about it, though.
September 8, 2010, 10:12 PM

Maybe we'll talk about new commitment tonight?
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August 29 to September 5
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