Let's Try This Again Star this Commitment

wrkinprogrss commits to:
Always OK: music I own.

M-F b4 18:00 or 8 hrs job work: internet only for job work+stickK+radio, photography max of 2 timed 15-min breaks, audio lectures OK during chores/food prep.

M-F 18:00-22:30 (23:15 Thur), S-S anytime: audio unrestricted but must do 30 min of non-computer chores b4 personal internet use, project/escape rdg, photo uploads/edits/posts, or watching videos. Max escape reading M-F 1 hr, SS 2 hr.

After 22:30 Sun-Fri: no non-music audio or escape or proj rdg.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
September 24, 2010, 9:37 PM
Imaginary composite reader of what I write for work: system administrator Kanpo Maria Metropolitan, late 20's, not USA-born, speaks more than one language, intelligent, friendly, and competent, but challenged by a demanding workload. Someone I could have an enjoyable conversation with, over dinner, about books or sustainability or gardening or how people's minds do and don't work.
September 24, 2010, 9:04 PM
Thanks! Just showered, and was thinking about the idea of aiming my efforts toward an imagined/composite person who would use what I have written. Going to try that out in a bit. Going to set a think tank mini-goal, first, though--first time this week that I've felt willing to set a stickK goal!
September 24, 2010, 8:36 PM
Oh good.
You sound well.
I'm happy. Was a little worried.

Hope asking, and answering this question gets you a few steps forward.
Waiting for good news.

September 24, 2010, 7:35 PM
After a one-hour work meeting, this morning, I've been casting about on the internet for something that would help me in some way. I think I may have found something: a blog post containing the idea of a "compass" for checking on whether you're doing the right thing. The compass question is something like, "Does this help people?" I'm not sure that question is appropriate for ALL circumstances, but it seems like a good one to try applying in a lot of situations. I think it can help me move forward with some work productivity, today. Some things that I can choose to do today will help some people do what they need to do. OK.

Planning to shower, now, and note restart time in a bit.
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September 8 to September 15
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