Some Limit on Internet Use Every Da... Star this Commitment

wrkinprogrss commits to:
I commit to setting daily limits on my internet use in this goal’s comments, my journal, or my phone, before I use the internet for anything except job work or stickK. On work days, I must do job work for at least 30 minutes between when I set the goal and any non-work/stickK use of the internet. On weekends, I must work on house chores for at least 30 minutes between when I set the goal and any recreational internet use, but logistical use is OK as soon as the goal is set.
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My Commitment Journal
October 13, 2010, 4:59 PM
Pretty bad internet bingeing and poor work hours on 10/11/10 and 10/12/10. Have set a new goal including not being able to claim success until the FOLLOWING goal is set up. Will see if that helps to prevent no-goal gaps in which I've been tending to binge. But I think the basic problem is internal conflict in myself about how I use my time. Wonder what I might do to get closer to internal peace and wisely balanced time-use decisions. Think further work with Switch book might be useful. Challenging to prepare wise-sized rewards/bribes for my "internal elephant," but seems to help when I can do it.
October 12, 2010, 5:56 PM
Getting off to a slow start, this morning, after regular Pilates appointment, some grocery shopping, and some internet time. *cough*

Job work starting at 10:55.
October 12, 2010, 5:07 AM
Well okay.
If the commitment is what you need it can't hurt, even though it would be good if you could just accomplish goals without it.

Happy that you heard back and that their response made you feel good that you did it.
Hopefully you'll have a way to help.
October 12, 2010, 4:13 AM
Yes, and I've actually heard back from two out of the three of them (the two healthy ones), in ways that make me feel good about having written.

Didn't do so well about working, today, or staying away from the internet without a formal commitment. I'd rather not NEED a commitment but it doesn't seem like I'm there, yet.
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