obtain full time employment Star this Commitment
Week 26 of 26

NtrGrl commits to:
Getting git together. I will get two custom resumes together, and submit to three jobs per week. If I do not obtain meaningful employment before September, I will move to Ontario for the interim and return to school. I will lose the house, file for bankruptcy and get it together financially. I will lose weight - to 140lbs. I will exercise at least 4 days a week. I will make a plan and stick to it.
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My Commitment Journal
May 28, 2014, 11:49 PM
Ug. Not in a good mood. Signed the paperwork last week for bankruptcy. Thought I would be ok with it. But I am finding it hard. I started back to work for the summer, which is good. But I don't get paid for a month or so. That is bad. Grumpy. But will get through this. Like I always do......
May 8, 2014, 9:18 PM
Well successful I have not been. The house is clean and except for the kitchen and bathroom (which need work) I have basically finished painting. My arm is feeling quite a bit better than it was, so that is no excuse. I have been procrastinating. Normal, but no excuse. I did get offered a temporary job that I wanted, unfortunately due to other factors (and they are valid), I had to turn it down. Such is life. Now that the paint is put away and the house is more or less put back together I am feeling ever so slightly optimistic about being able to focus on goals for awhile. We will see. Hope all is well at your end - Me.
April 17, 2014, 3:17 PM
OK, so I haven't been on the computer lately. Just painting and grumbling about my arm. Got out one resume and have an interview next week. Just a summer Parks job, but one I would rather have than the one I have now. Car is fixed. Yea. Going to go and paint today, enjoy Easter weekend and see how next week goes.....
April 17, 2014, 2:05 PM
Hey Shaunna, how are things going? Do you think you will work for parks this summer, or are you looking for something more permanent? I hope you are doing well. Don't forget to update! -)
  • Mar 12, 2014
Displaying 1-4 of 26 results.
September 3 to September 10
Not Successful
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August 27 to September 3
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August 20 to August 27
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August 13 to August 20
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