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Using the Economic Stimulus 2009 to Reach Your Personal Financial Goal
By Jo Ellen Fritz   View more articles by this author
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September 8

You have set a financial goal. Where will the extra money come from to fund that goal? Though it may not be considered a bailout you can look to the U.S. Government to give you a helping hand with the Economic Stimulus 2009. Unlike last year a check will not be coming in the mail.  For a majority of working families the refundable tax credit will show up in an increased paycheck through a reduction of income tax withholding.

If you qualify for this benefit (the phase out begins at $75,000 and ends at $95,000 for singles and $150,000 to $190,000 for couples) it will begin to show up in your paycheck no later than April 1 of this year.  If you're an employee, you will not have to do anything to earn your credit. The federal income tax withholding tables will be changed to provide for reduced withholding and therefore larger paychecks throughout the rest of 2009 and all of 2010.

Make the extra income work for you before it slips through your hands.  What goal are you trying to meet?  If it is to increase the amount in your ‘rainy day’ reserves consider setting up an automatic draft from your checking account to your savings account.  You will want to do this before you get used to spending this boost in your paycheck.  It is simple to open a savings account at your local bank or with one of the many banks online to build up your cash reserves.

Trying to pay down debt faster?  Set up an automatic payment through your bank’s online bill pay to have the additional amount go towards credit card debt or student loan.  Setting it up automatically can help you avoid spending this new found cash.

Needing to build assets to fund retirement? Consider opening a Roth IRA and have the money deposited automatically on a monthly basis to fund this account.  You can save up to $5,000 (and an additional $1,000 if you are 50 or older) in 2009 into a Roth IRA.  Don’t worry if you can’t fund the full amount- just $25 a month can add up over time. If you do not already have a Roth IRA you can open one up at your bank, discount broker or a mutual fund company.

Consider these options to meet your goal.  Remember to make it an automatic step so it is a painless way to reach that financial goal with ‘found’ money.

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March 29, 2022, 11:29:41 PM GMT
Months ago when I sought to clean up my credit, I contacted Remote Repair Credit Group after my niece recommended their services, I had lots of negative items, (Inquiries, Late payments, Collections, Judgments, and credit card debts) and my score was 511,512 and 516 respectively. I explained everything to them, they promised to help me and they did. It took them less than 9days to clean every negative item and raised my score to 791,793 and 797 respectively and also added some positive trade lines. Contact them Remoterepair at Techie dot Com
March 28, 2022, 4:55:26 PM GMT
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March 27, 2022, 8:14:13 PM GMT
I really loved and enjoyed the generosity, responsiveness, and 100% credit repair services Remote Repair offered me. Hit him up (Remote Repair @ T E C H I E D O T C O M). For credit repair services (removal of negative items and score increase across all bureaus).He fixed mine too which is amazing, my report is now freed from 11 negative items and few derogatory marks and score moved up by 355pts.
March 24, 2022, 9:10:52 AM GMT
I never knew hackers could improve a low credit score until I met one on a discussion forum when I Googled how to improve my credit score, I read several reviews on how good and reliable he is in solving issues that have to do with credit reports. I emailed him and asked if he can raise credit score (all 3 major credit bureaus) and also delete evictions in 8 working days? He replied yes and asked me for some personal info to enable him to hack through my profile. I gave everything he needed to get started with the job, today my score was increased from 410 to 800. Contact him via: REMOTE REPAIR AT TECHIE DOT COM. Ensure you recommend him to others as I have done the moment your credit is fixed completely.

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