Healthy Eating 2024 Star this Commitment

abrahamandkari commits to:
I want to get down to 205 lbs. I’m requiring that I follow the following plan:
1. 1 teaspoon (est) oil, 4 eggs, 1 slice of bread, 1 sausage
2. 4 fuelings of powder, almond milk, PB2, and yogurt (or cottage cheese) or bars = 4 total
3. Large salad with unlimited veggies, dressing, protein, cheese or protein pancakes, quest chips, chili or similar
4. As needed, can add an avacado, yogurt, and cottage cheese
5. Starts Feb 3 and ends Mar 14
A simple “forget” moment doesn’t mean I didn’t honor thi
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
February 10, 2024, 2:45 AM
I want to get down to 205 lbs. I’m requiring that I follow the following plan:
1. 1 teaspoon (est) oil, 4 eggs, 1 slice of bread, 1 sausage
2. 4 fuelings of powder, almond milk, PB2, and yogurt (or cottage cheese) or bars = 4 total
3. Large salad with unlimited veggies, dressing, protein, cheese or protein pancakes, quest chips, chili or similar
4. As needed, can add an avacado, yogurt, and cottage cheese
5. Starts Feb 3 and ends Mar 14
A simple “forget” moment doesn’t mean I didn’t honor this commitment. Do the best I can outside of home (salad or protein/veg out to eat, and best I can if at someone’s house). If sick, do best you can. Can have extra 20 pts for Replicate and visit weekend. Whipped cream is fine. Fruit is fine.
February 4, 2024, 4:37 AM
I want to get down to 205 lbs. I’m requiring that I follow the following plan:
1. 1 teaspoon (est) oil, 4 eggs, 1 slice of bread, 1 sausage
2. 4 fuelings of powder, almond milk, PB2, and yogurt (or cottage cheese) or bars = 4 total
3. Large salad with unlimited veggies, dressing, protein, cheese or protein pancakes, quest chips, chili or similar
4. As needed, can add an avacado, yogurt, and cottage cheese
5. Starts Feb 3 and ends Mar 14
A simple “forget” moment doesn’t mean I didn’t honor this commitment. Do the best I can outside of home (salad or protein/veg out to eat, and best I can if at someone’s house). If sick, do best you can. Can have extra 20 pts for Replicate and visit weekend.
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February 3 to March 14
Recipient of Stakes
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Total at stake: $5.00
Stakes per period: $5.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $0.00
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