Study smart Star this Commitment
Day 85 of 220

qhama commits to:
I commit to study smart every single day more
than 3 hours. I also want to make sure i understand the content of what i am studying.
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My Commitment Journal
June 6, 2024, 8:59 AM
Today i woke up at 4am. I went to gym at 6:45. By 9:00 i was done and on my way to Library. The moment i entered Library i was switched on and did my calculations. I believe i did what needed to be done to be ready for tomorrow's exam test. I have been waiting for this day to come finally we only few hours away from it. I still need few hours when i'm at res to do the finishing touches to be not only ready but confident on my way to that PASS. Calculations i believe i am secured but i have to get the content better. Understand the questions and what the words actually mean. I believe i can do that. I am proud of my self and grateful of this opportunity to showcase what i know i can do best.
June 5, 2024, 8:05 PM
Tonight i did Chapter 5( caltulations) unfortunately i did not attend gym. But i will study till midnight not less than one chapter.
June 4, 2024, 7:15 PM
Today i started off my day at library at 13:00. I spent there about an hour. I then proceeded and went to gym for another hour. I think i have grasped as much as i wanted and had to for the day. I have to scram almost everything by tomorrow and practice caltulations. I have to pass this module. I have to it is a must. I am confident of all the work that i have so far grasped. very and proud. i am grateful for the effort and proud.
June 2, 2024, 9:48 PM
I have studies today. most of the work i had studied was from the text book. i believe i might have grasped a lot of important information. i do get the context of it. i have put on my focus. i am looking forward to the day i am practicing the calculations of this. i will push harder so i finish everything before time and i will be more confident for the exam paper and will trust my answers and insticts. i belive i will pass the EB121 exam like i did with WRFV but even much more better. i am grateful yet again for this accomplishment.
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Displaying 1-4 of 83 results.
July 25
Not Successful
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July 24
Not Successful
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July 23
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July 22
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