Successfully exercised four days per week, which is my minimum. Not bad for getting back into it, and I am proud of myself for the momentum. I am hopeful for this coming week as well. |
Did one hour of Beat Saber today. It is a light movement day, but I felt it was better to do something instead of nothing. I don't think I am going to make my goal of taking Saturday off, but that is okay. As long as I get the four days in. Starting next week, I do have a schedule for my marathon training, so I am going to have to take that into consideration as well. |
I didn't end up doing any exercise yesterday—needed the rest. I am glad that I listened to my body. I did 30 minutes of boxing and then an hour of dance today (the 13th, though I am posting after midnight from bed). I am doing some bedtime yoga now before settling in for sleep. All in all, a rather good day toward my goals.
I have not introduced any weight lifting this week. I do think of that as sort of a stretch goal, so I will be pleased to meet my base goal of 4 days of exercise. I hope that this week will serve as an intro and a runway toward incorporating my weight lifting goals as well.
In addtion to all of that, I do need to start considering training for a half marathon that is coming up in September. |
June 11th - I did 30 minutes of Supernatural at high intensity, and then an hour of Beat Saber afterward to keep my body moving (and simply because I enjoy doing it). Felt tired afterward and had a bad POTS flareup, but drinking a substantial amount of oral rehydrating salts helped.
Today - quite sore! I am glad to note that I went hard at my shadow boxing. It is always surprising to me how effective fast tight movements in the air are. I suppose it shouldn't because the studies are there for the effectiveness of shadow boxing as a training. Regardless, I am sore and am tempted to skip a day and pick up again tomorrow. However, I feel like I pull back too early when I could push myself further and have better gains as a result. I will check back in with what I decide to do. |