Erik Dashuttaman
use the Practice Generator for 2 ho... Star this Commitment
Week 16 of 16

Shutta Man commits to:
Practice using the generator every day for no less than 2 hours.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
December 16, 2011, 4:11 PM
Good work! I'll check in with you after the first of the year. Happy holidays!
Shutta Man
December 16, 2011, 3:51 PM
It is finished! Haha I will be making a few new commitments soon. Were only getting started with the real work! More on this later :)
December 14, 2011, 2:27 AM
Only days more to go with this commitment. How time flies when you're working hard toward fulfilling a commitment to yourself!

Suggestion: Feel what it feels like to be signing autographs: the rush of it, the Sharpie in your hand, your hand beginning to tire & cramp feel yourself in the recording studio: feel the headphones, feel the mike, feel the change when the door closes, feel the sense of accomplishment of getting down some great tracks feel yourself on stage, feel the energy of the audience, feel the energy exchange between you & the audience, feel what it feels like to be doing what you love, feel what it feels like to be appreciated for doing what you love. FEEL any & all aspects of what the manifestation of your goal feels like. Visualization is great. Feeling it is primo. Feeling it internalizes it, makes it real for you.
Shutta Man
December 3, 2011, 3:43 AM
Where to start... I've been doing okay with this. Not fantastic but not bad. I did try to kick up my practice routine for 3 hours everyday but am not quite there. I get in two and sometimes three hours a day. It could be more consistent but I will say I'm targeting a lot of random things so it hasn't been easy.

I feel great about incorporating lyric writing into my daily routines. Yes, some days I don't get to the lyrics but for the most part they are a large chunk of my time. I'm working with others on the Hess forum along to the book Writing Better Lyrics and so far thats been awesome. I'm also implementing a ton of what I learned in my first recent read through of How to Rap.

I made my own Flow Diagram and broke down a few songs into it and am really amazed at some of the rhythm these rappers have. I'm learning and it is part of my dream to be a talented skillful charismatic witty funny rapper. Grain by grain the bag gets filled.

I'm still plugging along in T and GR and the principles are starting to work. Right now procrastination is the target and I'm doing my best to keep moving forward. I could do some more clarifying of my goals and even write out daily goals more (sometimes I skip a day or two) but for now I'm doing what the book is asking. I'm taking steps towards mastery of these things.

On another note I'm lifting weights, working out and eating... more. haha. I know that being in good shape and having a "sexy" physique for lack of a better phrase, is part of my dream. Its going great as I have a weight bench/etc. right at my house and a surprising amount of friends to lift with. Its been going on for almost two weeks now and shows only signs of picking up momentum through the winter months here.

My job here on the island has slowed down quite a bit. I've had the last 5 days off to work on music/etc. work out and, well, watch movies. I still get my practice in which is cool, yet I am wondering how good could I be if all of my time went to practicing in some form or another? I mean I work sat and sun then have another 5 days in a row off... I could find another job, even though the money I make on just those two days would technically "be enough" to buy my food/etc. I'm not sure what I'll do. I like having that time for music and stuff and the schedule does change week to week so its possible I'll work 4 days next week or something which would be beautiful and cancel the need for a second job. Just a thought thats been irking me a little.

All in all I'm feeling really great about myself and where my music is heading. I've marked "not finishing a song completely" as one of my red flags on TandGR and I'm working towards having actual songs to post and share with people... and... My biggest (and only) fan!!!! hahaha

Life is good and I am enjoying the journey. There have been a lot of tiresome hours of sitting and learning but I wouldn't even trade those for anything...

A thought just occurred to me that I should and could be visualizing my dream much much more. I should see myself in that recording studio working with other famous artists and I should see myself signing autographs and I should really picture myself backstage at my own sold out show just about to go out there and do my very own awesome songs. I really should do this, not only because I've read in numerous sources that it works but because I know, deep down in my heart, that I need to see it and believe it before I can be it and achieve it!!!!

Anyway. Thank you a billion for being a fan Kayt and I won't disappoint you! I need to get you some stuff to hear (and see) ASAP!
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