move back out on my own (for good!)... Star this Commitment

OEM commits to:
By June 23rd, 2014, I commit to moving out again of my father's house (for good), however that looks, and meeting all of my own financial obligations.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
June 24, 2014, 4:00 AM
I have not moved out of my father's house. However, I do not have regrets around not meeting this goal. In listening to my inner voice and choosing to stay with him and to continue to work with my meditation teachers, I have become more insightful, compassionate, and recently more functional. I have learned things about the way I function that I otherwise would not have, I believe, and these discoveries are changing my life. I trust fully that my staying (for now) has allowed me to build my integrity of character, ironically, so that when I do physically move on, I will not bring anger and resentment and fear with me. Opening my heart is my absolute key to success I now know this with certainty.
January 21, 2014, 6:46 AM
I have begun looking up some Masters programs to see whether any appeal to me and would help me with my work. So far, nothing has gotten me excited, but I'll give myself up to two more hours (completed by Wednesday) to search. I also would like to renew my social media profiles (especially LinkedIn) to grow a quality network of contacts which, I hope, will lead to more work. I have my steps written out and will begin tomorrow. I have had a hard time the last few days, especially, with NOT feeling overwhelmed and kind of getting paralyzed. I enjoy having a reason to wake up in the morning...some beautiful work. I've appreciated the time I've had to just "be in the flow" and I'm ready and yearning now for greater focus and community and drive. Even with all the support systems I have in place, creating daily affirmations, exercising and meditating daily, eating healthily...I find my energy takes more consciousness to manage. I'm longing for a breakthrough, some burst of awareness and energy on a new level that's sustained. I am so looking forward to an upcoming "focusing" appointment that will be another tool for helping me to feel the way I want to feel and to stay aligned with my dreams!
January 7, 2014, 6:15 AM
I have my referee! (Thank you, Devie.) Today, I pushed ahead with getting a grip on my finances. I sold a few items and took pictures of unwanted (but very nice) items to post on eBay. I checked my bank accounts and made transfers and deposits. I have an account with and talked with other users about it (will then input my financial info). I've got to finish my "exit counseling" to delay my student loan payments. I have been intentionally placing myself in a mindset of appreciation and clarity fairly consistently, so I'm very glad for that, not that I don't still experience some anxiety and whatnot. That's all for today! I've committed to managing my sleep and nourishment/nutriment to promote mental clarity and energy.
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Displaying 1-1 of 1 result.
December 30 to June 23
Not Successful
Not Successful
Recipient of Stakes
Money to a friend ($400.00 to mamatierra67 per failed reporting period)
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Total at stake: $400.00
Stakes per period: $400.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $400.00
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