Happiness Project - Month 1 Star this Commitment

SandyBeGood commits to:
For the next 4 weeks, I will:
shine kitchen sink nightly
do 15 minutes of decluttering 6 days/wk
bring reusable bags to stores
read a classic book daily (1 chapter or 15 minutes) daily
do an anti-procrastination task 6 days/wk
walk/jog 5 days a week
plank, 25 sit-ups, and some stretching daily
be positive (especially regarding a certain situation)
follow low carb eating plan
wrok on scripture memory daily
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
April 26, 2014, 5:06 PM
Week one -- actually ended last night, though the reporting will be on Monday. It went pretty well! :) But I'm glad I decided to ease into it by requiring only 5 days out of 7 for the daily tasks. Honestly, I think I will continue with the 5, at least for another week, b/c there are just times when you have had a full day and need to go right to bed w/o reading your classic book, shining the sink, etc! There were a number of the tasks that I missed either once or twice. And I need to clarify what I mean by decluttering. I was kind of soft on myself by allowing things like washing accumulated pans to count. So I'll think that out more. I struggled one day w/ being positive about my situation, but even that wasn't as bad as in the past, PTL. So I'll start my new week today. :D Let's up the "take bags to stores" requirement to twice this week. However, I'm going to make the classic book task easier by allowing 10 minutes to suffice (Pilgrim's Progress doesn't have chapters).
The low carb eating is going well. The reason is that I can't do exceptions. OK, upon saying that, I acknowledge that I have had some red wine, a strawberry - but I think that is it. NOT any sweets, b/c I know those would be the beginning of the end.
Here goes, week 2, going forth in the strength of the Lord! : ) To God be the glory!
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April 21 to May 15
Recipient of Stakes
Anti-charity (Gun Control: NRA Foundation)
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Total at stake: $5.00
Stakes per period: $5.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $0.00
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