Build Business Focus Star this Commitment

rabbi321 commits to:
A full month of "free time" focus on my online business. Success will be determined by adherence to a set of rules that seek to prevent distractions and provide self-accountability. Any normal business activity is fair game, but ideal should be on revenue generation, Solomon CEO leverage points, and sustainable energy/environment to perform.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
January 27, 2015, 5:39 AM
Crisis has struck "Rule #3"
- Record 15 hours per week of 'billable' tasks
*So I threw out my back! And at my last update I thought I was through it and ready to move forward, but the workday kept me exhausted and "done" by evening - not ideal. So I was planning on "catching up" over the weekend. The weekend came and I realized... that was a bad idea.

SUMMARY of the following: Extending the completion date of the total hours for this commitment to Feb 14th (via another commitment - if needed - after this one); AND I expect to fit a standard error rate that I can for future commitments like this.

Its the same notion from the "Art of Learning" with the woman who screams at the car that almost hits her as she crosses the street... to immediately get hit by another which she COULD have avoided if she was not losing her cool with the first "non-consequential event" which occurred (the first car ALMOST - but not - hitting her).

Morbid... yep, but an effective lesson which apparently is now fully ingrained in me. Working last weekend after being exhausted (and in pain) all week, therefore denying myself of my recovery period that I've just recently discovered is so vital, IS the edge of that at out of control spiral that breaks your flow and strategy.

So long story short... today I am a full week behind. And I decided this weekend that I'm not completing this goal by the 31st of this month. But effectively the purpose of the goal is being fulfilled... I am getting a full understanding of my "after hours" working capabilities plus learning that "Sh*t happens" and I need to be able to compensate, account, and recover from such things - without "spiralling" and getting even more off base.

Another analogy I've connect to this is the typical work (schedule) estimates I've done recently. An important aspect I discovered about estimates is to include an error rate. For instance, however long I believe something might take (in software at least) - typically has anywhere from a .5 to 1 error rate! As in when I think, we can do something in probably 3 weeks... that REALLY means... we will most likely deliver in 4.5 to 6 weeks! On the other hand though... when we track billable time for that specific feature... we find that typically we track much LESS time than what's in our original estimate. How can that be, right?

Again. "Sh*t Happens". Haha.

For the software projects I'm thinking, a lot can happen... Shifting priorities (context switching), scope creep, even NEWER features, high priority defect fixes, testing and general system maintenance, boredom with one feature or getting stuck... team discussions, other random processes and procedures that you do... that you never consider when you give someone an estimate!

Which is why you capture ALL of that by tracking simply metrics then figuring your typical rate of error.

The amazing thing is how this same process happens for my online business. Unknown risks, scheduling issues, obligations, etc... tons of stuff gets in the way. The total "time" is still the same, it just doesn't fit into an ideal schedule...

So the lesson here is (what I'm associating with error rates) is basically... I need to give myself MORE than enough time to complete what I ideally feel like I could complete in one month. So 15 hours a week for a month... should still be the goal, but the expectation should be to complete those hours in (if I can fit the error range I used before) 1.5 to 2 months.

So... (I let myself go all "Blog Post" on that one)...

I'm officially extending this commitment (to complete the total hours) to at least the middle of Feb, via another commitment after marking this one complete. Based on my current hours though, I expect to be done before that. If I finish my hours this week, I'll be a little over 1 week behind - so pretty close to (but shy of) the lower bound of my .5 range.

*ALSO: Again these following points are probably not as useful as "Deliver whatever you start by the end of the next 'working' day".
- Tasks must have an estimated completion date per 3.75hr MTWH workdays
- Estimates shall be bucketed as 'less than 2Days', '2-4Days'
January 20, 2015, 1:16 AM
Update Working Sub-goals:
2) Obtain and train bookkeeper, and complete 2014 bookkeeping
* Training someone, but I think I need to bring in someone more dedicated (like a pro bookkeeper)

3) Create and test a new sales funnel with paid traffic
* Creation being outsourced - need to reconnect...

9) Clean sweep home office of distractions and junk (investor-level quality)
* This is in a state of flux: did some organizing and eliminating - need input on "what an office should look like etc"

10) Obtain a newly imaged business only computer (possibly purchase a gaming/personal machine - format old machine)
* Started organizing files, found encryption for cloud services

11) Obtain a on-site assistant for around the house etc
* Started tracking tasks I could use help with, both one time and weekly things...

12) Obtain and test one new stress reduction technique (supplement, upgraded self tech, doctor visit, super blood work, etc)
* Did reasearch... yet to pickup tech device I'm interested in - testing L-Theanine when facing a stress reaction

14) Test a sales funnel that creates an automatic 7+ exposures to my offer (without my other stuff getting in the way)
* Exactly what outsourced funnel is doing
January 20, 2015, 1:16 AM
Officially Abandoned Sub-goals:
* Probably not going to do this - seems best to maintain separate spaces for separate flows
5) Test 1 week of x3 a week working in the office
6) Test working in the office on Saturday
January 20, 2015, 1:15 AM
Update Finished sub-goals:
1) Submit 2013 Tax Refund

4) Test 2 weeks of x3 a week kettlebell swings for business production
* FAILURE! Totally threw out my back AGAIN with my damned kettlebell! If I ever do it again, I'll need to again... LEARN the PROPER form... For the meantime I'm getting rid of it for a deskcycle

7) Test taking one Sunday completely off to cultivate flow, control stress, and improve sustainable mood
* This has been REALLY awesome!

8) Get a new awesome mattress (not directly related but useful for production)
* Great sleep, but seemed to accelerate an issue with my back...

13) Test at least one sleep hacking technique for a week and shoot for a strict 'less than' 6hrs per night weekdays.
* Not my most productive hours before bed, but amazing routine for amazing sleep - can whoop it out for a 6 hour night when needed
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Displaying 1-1 of 1 result.
December 25 to January 31
Recipient of Stakes
Money to a friend ($1,000.00 - awaiting response from... BRoy)
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Total at stake: $1,000.00
Stakes per period: $1,000.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $0.00
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