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careerpirate commits to:
I commit to finishing the brotherhood optin page so I can launch
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My Commitment Journal
February 8, 2015, 7:32 AM
Sara, we have come to an agreement on this. Finishing touches are coming up.
February 8, 2015, 7:32 AM
Here is the script so far.

Welcome Man,

Let’s start this off as men should… giving it to you straight.

It is the most difficult time in the world’s history to be a man.

If you are like most men I talk to men, you want to do the right thing. But what is the right thing? There is war between what is politically/socially correct and what is instinctually right. It is very difficult to know how to get ahead in life without becoming a douch-bag or whip.

Have any of these happened to you:

Has it ever confused you all the rules that a ‘good man’ should do, feels like your freedom is being taken from you and you nuts are being cut off? Worse when you do follow the ‘rules’ you get punished again. Perhaps by being a good employee you were passed over. Or your wife/girlfriend left you for someone else while you were bringing home the paycheck.

Have you ever been accused of “male privilege”, for basically breathing and wanting a reasonable job? Sometimes you just read about it happening to someone else and it pisses you off

Did you ever have a conversation with a woman which ended with, “Well you should just know.. And if you don’t get it there must be something wrong with you.”

Do you have a desire to do something great but can’t find a place or thing that fits? You jump from one idea to another hoping something will work out. Then you have a small freak out moment where you tell yourself to ‘get your shit together”, else you will forever be suck on the cycle of trying.

Does it seem like you are missing out on some special, “Man Knowledge”. As if there is secret club you are not invited to. Other men seem to get it, but you feel like you are on the outside. You might be great in one area of your life, like business but can’t figure out the puzzle of relationships.

If any of those are in the smallest way true for you, you will want to know why it happens and what to do about it.

Why it happens

I have to some bad new, even worse news before we can get to the good news.

Men and women are different.

One of the biggest differences is how boys become men and girls become women. Besides the obvious physical changes, knowledge is passed to the sexes differently.

For women it just happens. Christian Hoff Sommers points out in “The war against Boys” the knowledge of becoming a woman is automatically baked into the process as they physically mature. The process of becoming a physically mature woman automatically teaches them the necessities of what to do as a woman.

For boys it must be taught to them, from men. Did you catch that last point? It MUST come from men. In other words, it will never come to us men automatically.

It gets worse.

There is a biological resistance to being taught what a man should to by a women. The women in our lives can be absolutely right with what they say, but it will never feel right.

It gets even worse.

I’m going to share with you what I think is one of the most fascinating aspects of male phycology. Men know what it DOESN’T look like to be a man. But we can’t tell someone what it means to be a man when we have never seen it or been taught it.

It gets even worse worse.

This craving of ‘Man Knowledge” never goes away if you don’t get it. There is no age where you ‘grow up’ all of the sudden and get it. We will continue to search out what it means to be a man until we encounter the knowledge from the right teacher.

The logic that men should just get it, is FEMALE thinking. When I say female I’m talking about something deeper than human. This is a type of logic that goes to the deepest part of the brain older than the ape logical part of us. There is female thinking and male thinking.

Both are right. Both are needed. It is like two wheels on a bicycle. One steers and one drives. Don’t get caught up in which wheel is what sex. That is not the point You needed both. Period. The male/female type of thinking is the deepest part of our logic. It lies much deeper than the higher ape logic in the Neo-cortex part of our brain.

The Problem is the art of male thinking has been discounted and lost.

That is why being a man is extremely difficult these days. All the politically correct answers of what a socially respectable man should do is mostly FEMALE thinking and greater ape logic. It is not balanced by male thinking.
miss sara
February 7, 2015, 3:51 AM
Hey Christopher

Got your email. I will accept that and your progress towards this goal.
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January 30 to February 6

miss sara
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Sara, we have come to an agreement on this. Finishing touches are coming up.
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