Wake up on the first alarm Star this Commitment
Week 5 of 5

Sindelar Christopher commits to:
Get out of bed in the span of one minute after hearing the alarm sound. If I do not get up right away I will skip my regular breakfast which is something I enjoy. If I do get up in the first minute I will take either a longer shower and/or have a glass of tea.
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My Commitment Journal
Sindelar Christopher
March 29, 2015, 8:42 PM
It was a successful week. I woke up before the alarm several times. Saturday was a "close call." I did not get to look at exactly when I got out of bed after the alarm but it might have been close. It still counted as a successful session. Sunday did not count towards the total as I did not awake to an alarm. Getting to work at or right before 8 is still very preferable. That is ultimately why I get out of bed in the morning! Perhaps without that preference on Saturday I was more apt to "cut it close." It could be a valid personal observation on behavior in this instance that preferences and the type of reinforcer does, in fact, matter. We do care what we are working for!
Sindelar Christopher
March 22, 2015, 8:56 PM
Everyday the alarm was set to go off I was out of bed in time. Like last weekend, I did not have to set the alarm, so these trials did not count against my total. I was five for five this week. I find myself getting out of bed before the alarm is set to go off. This is still a successful trial. Perhaps it is saying too much to state my body is now used to the time I get out of bed so I now am usually awake at least a minute or two before the alarm goes off. This makes the alarm less aversive (especially when it does not go off at all!). I do not seem to be having any sort of strong tendencies to "relapse" or stay in bed after the alarm goes off. However, to comment on my tendencies could be said to be too mentalistic. Ultimately, I continue to get out of bed on time and get to work right at or before 8am. This is a source of motivation and a definite preference for me. The alternative of getting to work "on time" is aversive to me.
Sindelar Christopher
March 15, 2015, 9:00 PM
This weekend I did not have to get up to an alarm. Otherwise, everyday of the week I was out of bed in the first minute after the alarm went off. One day I was cutting it close, laying in bed counting the time the alarm had went off, but I still managed to get out of bed before the minute had changed. So I was five for five this week! At this point in the commitment, getting out of bed so quickly is not as aversive as it once was. Its becoming "normal" to quickly get the day started. I continue to enjoy the natural consequences of getting out of bed right away. One of the consequences is being able to take a longer shower and being able to get to work right at 8 instead of 810. I find getting to work early to be a significant incentive. It has had the effect of shortening my showers. These details are valueable to experience in how they relate to behavior change that I will be fostering in other persons. Although its difficult to empirically show what exactly empathy is, I believe the value is there. Everyone knows what it is like to change but this commitment allows for a specific time of reflection on personal changes.
Sindelar Christopher
March 9, 2015, 1:42 AM
I was six for six in my attempts to get out of bed in the first minute. Today, Sunday, I was able not to set my alarm. This situation was discussed in the submission of the full protocol of the procedure for this contract. Like with last week, I find that self-reporting is a reinforcing element in this procedure. I am finding at this point in the commitment, I am becoming used to getting up in the first minute. It is not the burden it once was. I see the natural consequences of getting up right away. These positive consequences are more time to spend doing a number of positive behaviors. One of these behaviors includes a longer duration of a shower. Im also able to get to work a little bit earlier because I get up on time. I find this to be beneficial and ultimately reinforcing as my behavior has increased in regard to getting up on time. far so good!
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