Save money for a dream vacation. Star this Commitment
Week 60 of 60

jalefever commits to:
Once a week, I commit to putting $50 into a jar labeled “Europe.” With the exception of an unexpected medical emergency, a death in the family, or a natural catastrophe, I will not remove any funds from the jar. As a consequence for removing money, I will sell my beloved books and or a piece of jewelry to make up for the difference. As a consequence for not putting a week’s money into the jar, I will deny myself alcohol for that week. As a reward, my husband and I will go on vacation Aug 2016.
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My Commitment Journal
March 14, 2015, 5:34 PM
Dear Professor Duncan, the "unsuccessful period" was the week of BSU spring break and I was unable to log on to the website on that Friday (3/6/15). I assume, points will not be deduced for this.
Other than that, the commitment is going well! =)
February 26, 2015, 3:35 AM
Another $50 was added to my little jar! I also began researching new cities to visit on the dream trip.
February 20, 2015, 7:00 PM
Full Commitment:

When I was seventeen, I had dreams of traveling the world in my twenties. I am now thirty, working 60+ hours a week and often regret not going abroad “when I was young and irresponsible and had the time.” With my father ill, my husband and I struggling to have a baby, family scattered around the country, combined with car house and tuition payments… all money, time, and energy goes towards family members, bills, or working to pay for these things. I often deny myself the right to slow down or spend money on myself. I have become someone so practical, frugal, and self-forgetting, I fear I will hold regrets when I am old and on my death bed. Life is too short. When I am 80, I will not look back on my life and say “wow, I have such fond memories of paying that bill back in 2009.” I would rather sit on a porch with my husband reminiscing of a magical once-in-lifetime adventure hiking through Europe. A true vacation filled with new cultural experiences would be very beneficial for my marriage, my sanity, and my overall view of the world. As a reward for finishing graduate school, I would like to go on the romantic honeymoon my husband and I never had.
Once a week, I commit to putting $50 into a jar labeled “Europe.” With the exception of an unexpected medical emergency, a death in the family, or a natural catastrophe, I will not remove any funds from the jar. As a consequence for removing money, I will sell my beloved books and or a piece of jewelry to make up for the difference. As a consequence for not putting a week’s money into the jar, I will deny myself alcohol for that week. As a reward for saving the money, my husband and I will go on our dream vacation in August 2016.
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Displaying 1-4 of 60 results.
April 8 to April 15
Not Successful
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April 1 to April 8
Not Successful
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March 25 to April 1
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March 18 to March 25
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