80% compliance with Results Acceler... Star this Commitment
Week 12 of 12

ElleWin commits to:
I commit to completing all Results Accelerator Habits with at least 80 percent compliance for 90 days
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My Commitment Journal
August 4, 2015, 8:48 PM
Nutritionally wasn't great this past week - mainly because of my schedule but I tried to stay close to it given what I had to work with. Did well with workout and evetything else tho. This coming week will be tough for exercise because I have an infected bug bite that hurts to walk, sit, stand. So I'm off the grid for a few days. Doc thinks Thursday....... fingers crossed.
July 29, 2015, 2:38 PM

In no way was I accusing you of not being truthful. I apologize if it came off that way. My goal was to get you to look further into your habits and be honest with yourself (find your successes, find what you could do better at, and go from there).I think you've done awesome so far. It seems that we're using less modifications each week so keep it up! Email is typically a faster way for me to respond ([email protected]). If you have a specific question or need a quick pick me up for the day, please contact me there. Have a great day!
July 24, 2015, 6:37 PM
Hey Justin, Was thinking about your message and I am hoping that, moving forward, there can be a bit more trust. One of the main reasons I joined this program was that there would be weekly coaching, check-ins and conversations because I really do need help with accountability to show up at the workouts and I was looking forward to having someone help with motivation and being my go-to when I have days like that. I realize that the short staffing has limited coaching availability and that's not your fault. I've adjusted and managed to keep on track on my own - for the most part. It's all good.

But I was really surprised and disappointed that you asked if I have been honest and truthful....twice. Questioning me and my integrity will help not me at all. We all have bad days - that's why I paid for this program to include a coach I could trust and who will trust me in return.

You're an awesome trainer. I love the workouts, your attitude, and friendly way. And I am especially grateful for the modifications that have enabled me to work through and past long-term pains and injuries. It's been a blessing. I do hope you know I am here for the right reasons ... with the intention of lifetime changes to be a healthier me. :)
July 23, 2015, 6:01 PM
Hey Justin, thanks for the note. Yes, I have my fitbit and get at least 10,000 steps a day 7+ hours sleep nightly. My non-compliant days have not been good ones, I admit plus the travel and hectic-ness of my schedule in July most definitely took a toll. But when I am compliant - I am to the T. I don't follow recipes because they take too long but I do the formula as Brett suggested. August will be much more lax and I have no trips planned so perhaps my system will respond better.

It's funny because I am not typically a huge stresser but I'm taking this seriously because my injuries have kept weight on for far too long. In the past I have not "stressed" or been serious so the weight stayed on because I would give up. I'm trying to avoid that again so I'm paying close attention this go around. I did speak with a friend about this Tuesday night which was helpful - I realized that it is more important and will be more beneficial long term if I take it off slowly and healthfully (not depriving myself) than losing a ton at once and going back to bad habits (mine was lack of preparation). I do see improvements FOR SURE but will stop stacking up my results against those that are shedding lbs like crazy. It's just me so I don't have anyone else really motivating me... hard to stay on track sometimes or positive but I'm doing my best and I am going to have those moments.

Thanks for the input :)
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Displaying 1-4 of 12 results.
July 27 to August 3
Successful (referee feedback expired)
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July 20 to July 27

- Referee approval report
- Committed user success report
July 13 to July 20

- Referee approval report
- Committed user success report
July 6 to July 13
Successful (referee feedback expired)
No report submitted
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