Keep the inside of my car clean Star this Commitment
Week 7 of 7

spkinsella commits to:
Clean out the inside of my car each day so there is no trash in my car the next morning.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
July 3, 2015, 7:13 PM
This is the final week of this assignment and I am happy to report a 100% success rate across the course of this assignment. As this assignments draws to a close the final component that I can identify that likely affected my success, as was mentioned in the Ayres book the likelihood of another person (e.g. the professor of this course) viewing the results. Not only have I encountered the positive contingencies designed as part of the contract but also the natural contingencies of having a clean car. This is the longest consecutive period of time that I can remember my car being so clean.
June 28, 2015, 10:20 PM
This is the third week of success with the contingency contract. One change that I have noticed in my behavior is in checking to see if I have left anything in my car as soon as I get home for each day. I happen to park right next to the garbage can so it is relatively easy to toss any trash out straight away. I will be curious if this behavior will maintain past the point of the contract as I have started to engage in the habit of checking my car for trash as I get home. I hypothesize that it is possible the the natural reinforcing contingencies of having a clean car may take over. However some schedule of thinning reinforcement may be needed.
June 20, 2015, 12:30 AM
This is the second week and I have yet to leave a piece of trash in my car from the previous day. During my typical day I drive between my home and at least 1-3 other locations. On top of that I typically eat lunch in my car between clients. Over the years this has led to a very messy car and cycles of binge cleaning. One additional factor that is likely leading to success with this assignment is the naturally occurring reinforcement from having a relatively clean car after years of experiencing a messy one. This project has been great at establishing the habit of taking out all the trash out of my car as soon as I park at home.
June 13, 2015, 12:09 AM
There were a few factors that likely contributed to my success over the last week. First and foremost, the contingency of having to do the dishes for the entire week, if I do not keep my car clean, has been a big motivating factor. Second, I was out of town on Friday to Sunday, during which time I did not use my car very often. As the first week goes this was helpful to establish success quickly. Being out of town cut the number of days I needed to actively respond from 7 to 4 which likely had a positive effect on success.
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Displaying 1-4 of 7 results.
July 17 to July 24
Not Successful
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July 10 to July 17
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July 3 to July 10
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June 26 to July 3
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