Spend less money on take-out Star this Commitment
Week 4 of 4

Kwippermann commits to:
I will spend less than $30 a week on take-out or any food that is prepared by another person but is consumed at a different location.
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My Commitment Journal
July 4, 2015, 1:26 PM
I did it! 4 weeks of spending less than $30 on take out. I wanted to change this behavior because I was spending a ridiculous amount of money on food simply because I was not preparing for meals. Because of this project and commitment I have seen how simple it is for me to permanently change this behavior. My last week of the commitment I spent $12.42 on take out. I never went over $15 a week so in the future this will be my new goal. I will continue this commitment on my own but have the same reinforcers and punishers in place since they were so effective. I am looking forward to this behavior being changed for the long haul!
June 27, 2015, 4:37 PM
This week I stuck to my goal of staying under $30 on take out but for the first time I did spend money on takeout. I didn't get to the grocery until Wednesday after work. So I had to order lunch on Wednesday. At first I felt like I failed my goal but I had to keep reminding myself that I gave myself an allowance of $30 a week. I still do not owe Pence any money and instead I am $50 closer to going skydiving!
June 20, 2015, 2:12 PM
I stuck to my goal once again this week! I spent $0 on take out. I still feel most motivated by the anti charity that I promised to give money to if I failed. I did find myself wanting or craving take out more this week. I thought that if I caved and did one night of take out then I would continue to cave so I stuck to it. It is really helpful to go to the grocery weekly. I am excited that this behavior change is not only affecting my bank account but also I find I make better food choices at the grocery than when I order food. I am happy with the changes I have made and hope to continue making progress in this area of my life.
June 13, 2015, 1:27 AM
This commitment contract has been beyond effective for me this week! The week before I implemented this contract I spent about $85 on take-out. This week I spent $0! I think the proactive strategy of going to the grocery and planning me meals was a big help to making me successful so far. I also was very motivated to not give money to Pence's reelection campaign. I thought I would be more motivated to gain something for myself with the money I will put towards sky diving but any time I thought about getting take-out it was giving money to Pence ( my anti-charity) that made me go home to eat instead of going through the drive through. I am going to put my money and my savings account tomorrow when my firs week commitment is over and start planning my meals for next week!
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