Write a book/chapter review every w... Star this Commitment
Week 26 of 26

Ariayang commits to:
Write a review for the book I'm reading or has already read every week. To tame my writing skills, and organization skills.
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My Commitment Journal
May 12, 2016, 11:48 PM
Finally wrote a little something this week. Wrote a short review for 'Who moved my cheese' on company blog. Will just count that one in...
April 19, 2016, 1:46 PM
My transformation journey piece will count as this week assignment. =)
April 5, 2016, 10:42 PM
Just wrote a short one. Writing still feels good after so many weeks's skip. Even only a small piece.
April 4, 2016, 9:13 PM
If I say I do not have time to write, it is a lie. If I say I do not have time to read, it is a lie. In fact, it is the stress and time management that made me not have the heart to read and write. For the past few weeks, my reading has been switched from ‘Road to character’ type of books to very light reading, such as children’s novels. I cannot find my inner peace to enjoy the beautiful prose. Only the actions in the novel can help distract me from the real world surroundings and provide me some ‘instant gratification’ that those character building books strongly argue against.

These days, all my mind is focused on the time arrangement of 35 mins daily cardio, glutes exercise 3 times a week, weight training 4 times a week, on top of 6 meals a day, the timing of the meals and the exercise, and the timing of all those supplements/pre-workout/post-workout etc. When I don’t have to eat out, my stress and focus is on when I can eat my next meal. When I do have to eat out with friends, colleagues or family, I have to plan ahead what to eat, and compromise my meals before and after to hit the daily macro/size goal. This constant stress made me uneasy. So, I resort to short term relaxation method, like refreshing Instagram or Wechat constantly, which actually adds to my uneasiness. Those short term fix might provide a short term distraction. But in the long term, after the usual web checking, I feel like I’m back to ‘wasting time’ and ‘doing nothing’ mode which I hate. I am totally not sure if I can do this competition prep again. Sometimes, I even regret of signing up for this one, which I did not have a full picture in the first place. I did not expect it to be so time consuming, and pose so much mental challenge. In other words, I know it’s hard. But I don’t know it’s this hard.

Oh well, there is no way out and I’m definitely not a quitter. I will keep going and try my best to see a new me. Every day is a challenge. Meanwhile, every day is also an accomplishment. Life is a journey. Transformation is a journey. Live in the present. Focus on what I can do every day and plan well. Let me pull it through.
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May 9 to May 16
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May 2 to May 9
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April 25 to May 2
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April 18 to April 25
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