I commit for SEVEN days to eat only... Star this Commitment

Valeri commits to:
I commit for SEVEN days to eat only three meals, no flour or sugar, nothing between meals except small necessary bites to taste food I'm making for others. One plate filled before I start the meal, per hunger, and no seconds.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
October 16, 2017, 1:32 AM
Other than a bite of apple while apple picking the seven days were a total success. I was, by God's grace, able to eat normal meals (large quantities but bounded nonetheless) and no flour/sugar. No binges while on the contract.
October 16, 2017, 1:30 AM
Other than a bite of an apple while apple picking, SUCCESS. But I believe I need to pay the money because of that bite and the thought of "I don't care if I'm breaking it right now" that passed through my head when I ate that bite.

Still, I did not binge after that bite, but threw the apple into the bushes after I had the bite I had wanted. I was able for the week to eat like a normal person. A hungry one, but a normal one. I praise God for fulfilling that decades-long desire to eat like a normal person, within the confines of 3 meals of REAL food (no flour or sugar).

May the Lord preserve our right to bear arms, in spite of my slip up.
October 5, 2017, 1:52 PM
It's scary to commit all that money to an organization that works to take away our guns. Super scary! But that's why this works so well for me. I guess fear IS a great motivator. I covet your prayers for self-control and thoughtfulness, and that those nasty-minded folks won't get one red cent from me.
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Displaying 1-1 of 1 result.
October 5 to October 13
Not Successful
Not Successful
Recipient of Stakes
Anti-charity (Gun Control: Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence)
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Total at stake: $150.00
Stakes per period: $150.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $150.00
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