revise novel Star this Commitment
Week 4 of 4

Patman commits to:
write down everything in the rough draft, read everything and take notes, and revise the entire novel. I have until
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My Commitment Journal
December 30, 2017, 12:58 AM
I got a new job that is a job I don't want, but I need it. It pays well, but it's hard work and takes up my time. I contemplated my future of this novel because I'm not doing so well right now. Even if it's past due, I'll still work on it.
December 26, 2017, 8:39 PM
Over the past few days, I have written 1872 and today, after coming back from the holidays, I have written 1421 words. I have completed a chapter before the last one. All I can say about the story is that a lot of people died. Important ones who sought realization and either accepted or denied it. I'm going to work on Daniel next because he has come back a third time in the story. I'm going to have a dialogue between him and Maria and eventually with Marlon. Overall, it was not a bad day. I feel more productive now. Mainly because I'm trying to finish this before Sunday or perhaps I found another way of producing fun and productivity.
December 19, 2017, 10:17 PM
Got back from work and I can only manage 302 words. I am so burned out. I tried to get back into writing before and after my morning work shift, but cannot. It's not possible. I have doubled my word count and will carry the momentum forward. We'll see what happens tomorrow.
December 18, 2017, 4:11 PM
Double commitment report. On Saturday I wrote 1175 words and finally set things in motion with Marlon and Adam. The idea was to have Marlon explain why winning the crowd was more important than impressing the big boys and girls, that the Alternate World needs to be ready for the incoming second invasion, but he doesn't tell him what will be the end result. It's also a send-off of Marlon being a homeless artificial human and going back to ARCA because of his rehabilitation date coming up. Finally, I started a scene between Stanley and Beth and left it up in the air until now. Today, while I have not passed 1000 words, I still completed the rest of the scene. I wanted to see Stanley at his worst while keeping a composure as a military man, and Beth reaching close to her limits as a captain while hinting her possible recklessness towards Adam. All in all, I got most of what I needed down within one hour.
With the Christmas weekend coming up, there are still a lot of things I need to put in. Right now, I need 18 more scenes with as much detail as possible before I can edit the whole thing (my next commitment challenge), and put in an extra word count. While I am planning them, I also want to give myself momentum, tell myself that I am on a role and I want to carry the story through to the end. I do admit sometimes that I don't want to say goodbye to the characters. Even if I don't think about them, I find them growing on me and wanting to know what happens after the story is told. I'll use this as an example to keep going.
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December 22 to December 29
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