Avoiding Procastrination Star this Commitment
Week 4 of 4

ocampos commits to:
To completing these assignments along with the assignments in a timely manner. I commit to not waiting till the last minute to complete my assignments.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
July 21, 2018, 2:24 AM
Oswaldo Campos
July 20, 2018
Progress Report #5

I was able to finish all my assignments that were due this. However, I originally planned on completing one quiz each day from Monday through Thursday. I ended up taking two of them yesterday and two of them today. I am glad to be done with most of my classes today. I will only have one class left, which finishes up the first week of August. I will now be able to start studying for my licensing exam. During the remainder of this semester, leading up to today, I hadn’t scheduled some time for me to workout. I plan on organizing time for my last class, studying for my licensing exam, and looking after my health.
My referee has helped me throughout all of this. Even though it wasn’t the pace I had set out last week, she kept me aware of the fact that I only had one more week of stress. This class may be over, but I know my sister will always help me out just like I will always help her out.
July 16, 2018, 4:50 AM
Oswaldo Campos
July 15, 2018
Progress Report #4

The time that was freed up from my clinical internship ending has allowed me to manage my time better. My goal for this week, along with keep up with my assignments from my other class, was to get through quiz 10 in this class. Since I was able to do that, it leaves me with only needing four more quizzes in this class. I plan to do one each day from Monday through Thursday. Doing that also allows me to spread out the remainder of my homework from my other classes. I am glad that I only have one more week left for two of my classes. After this week I will only have one more class that ends the first week of Aug. I plan to finish the rest of this semester at an even pace without any procrastination causing anxiety. After this week I will be able to start studying for my licensing exam in MRI. I have already scheduled it for Aug 20 coinciding with the end of the two of my classes on July 20. This implements a solid month for me to study for my exam alongside doing my assignments from my last class. I will continue to work on my time management long after this class. Regardless, if I won’t have specific classes, I will still have continuing education requirements for my licensing I must complete every couple of years. I will keep those in order, along with my day-to-day errands here on out.
Even though being off from my clinical internship has helped me manage my time better, being around my family during the summer has giving me some trouble staying on task. There have been times when they make plans which I would like to participate in but don’t in order to keep on task. There have been some events I have attended; however, I am aware of the ramifications of wasting too much time. The topics I have covered throughout the chapters have given me some perspective. I had chosen my sister as my referee, she has helped me to with staying on task. She keeps reminding me just a few more weeks and I will be completely done. There will be a lot of relied upon the end of this semester.
July 9, 2018, 4:52 AM
Oswaldo Campos
July 8, 2018, 2018
Progress Report #3

As stated in my last update, this past week was my first week without having to be at the hospital. I still have a lot of assignments I need to accomplish across all my classes. However, I feel I am now able to sort them out in an organized manner. I am not though quiz 7 or 8 to be at the pace you stated, but I am now through quiz 4. I feel I can get through the rest of these weeks a little better. I am not going to be slacking, but I feel I am going to be less stressed out with all the assignments.
Being back home has allowed my referee to assist me better. When you speak to someone on the phone all you can notice is the tone of voice. When the person is in visual proximity, you can notice the non-verbal cues you otherwise couldn’t. She has kept me on track but has also told me get some fresh when I have been sitting on the computer for an exaggerated amount of time. If all I do is work on homework non-stop, I am going to get mentally exhausted. The quality of work diminishes if a person is well rested.
I plan on finishing my last semester strong. I will continue to organize the rest of my homework in order to complete them with the best quality I can. I hope to be though quiz 10 by next Sunday. I just have a few more weeks left of this semester and I will have earned my Bachelor’s Degree.
July 2, 2018, 4:42 AM
Oswaldo Campos
July1, 2018
Progress Report #2

Upon the starting this class, I began my full load of 12 credit hour classes for the summer. One of my classes was my clinical Internship, which required me to be at the hospital for thirty-seven hours. This past week was my last week of my clinical internship at the hospital. Due in part to that, this weekend was my last weekend in Missouri. Majority of my time this weekend was used on packing and driving back home to Aurora, IL. I have been keeping pace with my other classes. I essentially been holding on till tomorrow to begin the readings and quizzes for this class. All the time I had been at the hospital I will now have free to utilize on my assignments.
Regarding my referee, she checked on me throughout this week. I let her know the due dates of my assignments, and what my schedule looked. She helped prioritize without also hindering me in the long process. I know the length of the readings and quizzes, but I also know the amount of time that was freed from this week ending. As for the rest of the for this classes, I will pace myself with these assignments. I will not wait another week, I will begin them starting tomorrow. Tonight, I will be finishing up the last assignments of my other class.
I will utilize a planner to break up the time I have available into time slots for my assignments. There will be slots for homework as well as time to study for my licensing exam in MRI technology. Although, there will also be a time slot to go for a walk, to the gym, or even walk around the mall. There needs to be some time to get fresh air or if not I end up being mentally exhausted.
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July 14 to July 21

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- Committed user success report
July 7 to July 14

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- Committed user success report
June 30 to July 7

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- Committed user success report
June 23 to June 30

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- Committed user success report
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