Finish Screenplay in 7 days Star this Commitment

park3662 commits to:
Finish re-writing a draft of the short screenplay HOMERS
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
February 6, 2019, 1:16 PM
Yes. Although the last scenes are only in shell form, i did come up with an additional draft. Submitted it to my ref
February 6, 2019, 11:48 AM
Read new Homers outline V1 submitted on 29th, last week. Which contains Character & Scene outlines as well as various notes on themes, general amendments and backstory. Expecting another draft today. Good work Josh, keep at it!
February 3, 2019, 7:37 PM
Recap of my work this week.
Had off Work on Monday. Wrote for 4+ hours. Completed my outline.
Wrote for 2 hours Tuesday before leaving to work.Mainly ended up strengthening outline.
Wednesday - Wrote for 1-2 hours before leaving to work. Wasn't a strong write Re-worked opening scene. And struggled with the following scene.
Thurs- Wrote for about an hour before work. Made progress on the scene i struggled with the day before.
Fri - Had a big work day. Ended up working about 19 hours on a shoot, so needless to say there was no time before or after work i could have wrote. I worked from 5.30A- in the morningto about 1AM the following night.
Sat- Tried to write off & on, but was so whiped from work the previous day i made very little progress.
Sunday - Have been writing all day. Have made a lot of progress. I've writtten most scenes by hand. Will have to eventually transcribe to a word processor. Hoping to finish all the scenes today.
I anticipate i'm going to eat into my grace period to complete this goal, so i might not have it done until Wednesday when my grace period ends.
When i originally took this goal on i anticipated not working, however a job popped up that i couldn't turn down.
January 29, 2019, 12:07 PM
Completed an Outline for my re-write.
I'm realizing now, that this draft may not be the final draft. But for now my goal is to just complete this draft.
    This Commitment has no photos.
Displaying 1-1 of 1 result.
January 28 to February 4

- Referee approval report
Josh has had far less time than he anticipated due to work obligations, but has nevertheless made a large amount of progress.
- Committed user success report
Yes. Although the last scenes are only in shell form, i did come up with an additional draft. Submitted it to my ref
Recipient of Stakes
Money to a friend (invalid/legacy commitment)
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Total at stake: $100.00
Stakes per period: $100.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $0.00
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