Lose twenty pounds Star this Commitment
Week 5 of 5

schack commits to:
Abstaining from all deserts, not over-eating, not binge-eating, eating mindfully and taking care of my body and mind.
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My Commitment Journal
May 15, 2019, 10:53 PM
It's 5:52 pm on Day 1 and already there's a voice in my head telling me I want to binge. How? I can feel the extra pounds in my stomach and the last thing I need right now is dessert. I won't do it. I had a very healthy morning and I am going to see today, and tomorrow, and the next five weeks out. I can't give in. I owe it to myself to stay strong.
May 15, 2019, 1:16 PM
It's Day 1 of my weight loss journey, and I'm going to start with a detox day--this means not consuming very many calories and drinking lots of black coffee. It's not something I'm planning on doing often--slow, incremental weight loss based on habits you intend to maintain is what I'm shooting for--but considering how I've eaten the last few days I think it's necessary. I'd like to come up with certain strategies for when I feel like bingeing. As a first resort, I pledge to always open this journal up and write about my feelings when I know a binge is coming on. If that doesn't work, I'll read a book, watch a show, draw, go for a walk, or write. I also have to pledge now not to bake; whenever I do, I tend to pig out on cookie dough and descend into a binge. I will, however, be doing a lot of cooking. I'm going to perfect my honey-balsamic vinaigrette, do lots of quinoa, couscous, soups, salads, and sushi for lunch, and work on really moderating my portion sizes.
For at least the first week of weight loss, I'm going to limit myself to a really small breakfast--we're talking a fruit and black coffee. Once I'm about midway to my goal, I'll return to my normal breakfasts: yogurt with fruit (and black coffee) or peanut butter oatmeal (and black coffee). As far as lunch goes, I'd like to stay around 400 calories and under, and keep dinner around 500 calories. I'll not snack, except for my afternoon coffee (with milk but no sugar, around 30-50 calories) and maybe a carrot. I will not munch as I cook dinner. I will not take seconds at dinner. If I find myself fantasizing about food, I will occupy my mind with something else.
May 15, 2019, 1:13 AM
I've been unsuccessfully trying to lose the weight I gained this winter--just this last January, I felt good about my body and was maintaining a health weight and lifestyle. Now it's May, nearly swimsuit season, and I"ve gained a lot of weight. I don't fit into my bikini and I don't feel good about my body. I struggle with binge-eating; I can't seem to eat any dessert without triggering a binge, and the binges have been becoming increasingly frequent. Today I binged again, but this is the last time. Starting now I'm going to commit to regaining my health, self-confidence, and physique. My goal is not only to be bikini-ready by the middle of the summer, but also to keep the weight off for good. I need to break the cycle of weight loss and weight gain due to binging that I've been caught up in for the past three years. I'm going to get down to 120 pounds, and I am going to stay there!
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Displaying 1-4 of 5 results.
June 12 to June 19
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June 5 to June 12
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May 29 to June 5
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May 22 to May 29
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